View Full Version : jealously!?!!

09-16-2009, 10:32 PM
I want Keiko and Mardi to get along and they do for the most part but lately everytime I go in to the room Keiko wants me all to himself and if I pay any attention to Mardi he will fly over to where she is and chase her away,this is annoying because I want Mardi to like me and trust me and she doesn't.I have had her over a year and a half and she is almost 2 now.
If I lock Keiko in the cage and let Mardi out he screams down the house till I let him out,and I can't take Mardi to another room because she won't come to me and flys away from me.I am sure Keiko has told her to stay away from his human. :rofl:

Pips mom
09-16-2009, 10:46 PM
I have the same kind of thing going on here. I think sometimes people think maybe we are imagining this or how can we know our bird is really jealous? Believe me, if you know your bird, you usually know what they're feeling and it's SO obvious with my Ivy that she gets jealous when I give attention to my other birds! If I open the tiel's cage and stick my head in a little and talk to them, Ivy will run right over to try to stop this! She once came over to me and bit me on the ear....not hard, but enough to let me know her message! She even bit me hard one time when I was holding one of them! For some reason she doesn't get jealous of Pip....maybe she senses that Pip is more of a bird lover than a people lover, or maybe it's her fondness of him, but whatever it is, I see her jealousy as clear as day! I am HER human, and nobirdy else's!!! :omg:

09-17-2009, 01:13 PM
I want Keiko and Mardi to get along and they do for the most part but lately everytime I go in to the room Keiko wants me all to himself and if I pay any attention to Mardi he will fly over to where she is and chase her away,this is annoying because I want Mardi to like me and trust me and she doesn't.I have had her over a year and a half and she is almost 2 now.
If I lock Keiko in the cage and let Mardi out he screams down the house till I let him out,and I can't take Mardi to another room because she won't come to me and flys away from me.I am sure Keiko has told her to stay away from his human. :rofl:

Same deal with Goof and B.B., except there's no problem with both birds coming to me. Sometimes they will go as far as perching together, but once i'm in too close Goof gets territorial. Every now and then whenever this happens, as opposed to hanging out on me, I send both off to occupy their favorite spot. ..... Because Goof is number one, i'm pretty well stuck on adhering to that order. If he keeps Beebs at a distance, thats just the way it is. Besides, B.B. is much stronger, and if I allow him precedence over Goof things could really get tricky. .... There are times though where I do manage to slip in a little one on one with Beebs. Little sweety he is. Usually this is after Goof gets his bath (first), then sits in front of the heat lamp. Or, if Goof gets a treat or meal he REALLY likes (first).

Sounds like Keiko is doing a very good job of expressing his authority. Still, maybe over time that will begin to show a bit more slack. What do you think Mardi?..........:)

09-17-2009, 04:46 PM
All my fids get jealous if one lands on me the rest will most definately follow all wanting the tippy top of dads head! (of course boo always is the last one standing there she is alpha hen after all lol)

09-17-2009, 10:11 PM
I got a new cage so if Mardi wanted some privacy she could go in it and she loved it....until Keiko flew over and started taking over and jumping on all the new toys and perches and eating the food out of the new dishes...so I locked Keiko in his big cage so Mardi could explore without being bothered.

09-18-2009, 12:12 PM
I got a new cage so if Mardi wanted some privacy she could go in it and she loved it....until Keiko flew over and started taking over and jumping on all the new toys and perches and eating the food out of the new dishes...so I locked Keiko in his big cage so Mardi could explore without being bothered.

Only figures Keiko would "take over"......:rotfl.......Sometimes while Beeb's is out and about Goof will saunter into B.B's cage. He helps himself to B.B.'s food, plays with a couple of his toys, then sits around acting like its HIS cage. In the meantime, me and B.B. will sneak in a few scritchies...........:whistle:

09-29-2009, 07:56 AM
Oh my goodness yes, when lovebirds are jealous, they don't care who knows it!
Pearl gets very jealous if we give Bruce attention, but as he is so timid he just does as she says, poor thing! Sometimes she will headbutt him off my head when he lands there! she's so mean! All he wants to do is be part of whats going on.

I always tell her off for being mean though, and she knows exactly what i'm saying, naughty girl! :rofl: