View Full Version : Bit of a set back with taming...

Kirby Derby
09-20-2009, 04:47 PM
Well things were going pretty well. And some things are still good. Kirby has now started to take "showers" in our hand under the tap. It's soooo cute when she gets all wet. We call her "Little Chicken"

But we've recently moved and I've started a new job, so the time we've spent with her has not been long enough. I think she regressed a little bit as she no longer does some of the things she used to.

What do you suggest for fixing this? I've got 3 cats as well, and can't keep them closed in the bedroom all night.

09-21-2009, 09:32 AM
You will have to work in a routine so she is getting ample attention every day. If she is not getting attention than she WILL regress, as she is already doing. Birds are social creatures and need that interaction, even if its only for an hour a day (although not recommend, an hour is better than nothing). If you aren't spending time with her, as I've seen with some of my birds, they begin to start to learn how to be independent and not necessarily "need" their parront. This allows them to be OK on their own and then when you go back after some time has passed they dont react as they would have when they were being trained.

Try to get her back into a routine where every day is the same as far as attention goes. I spend time with my birds in the morning before work and then after work is devoted to them. I know that during the day when I am at work I am not around so they are accustomed to playing on their own and being independent during those times. Keep us posted, with a little work your bird will be back to being sweet = )

09-23-2009, 09:53 AM
Lovebirds can quickly return to their wild behavior if they aren't worked with regularly, especially during their first year of life. When they are tame, and over a year old, it is easier to leave them alone for several days with no changes, but during their first year it is especially important to reinforce their training to step up and to have daily interaction with them.

One good thing is that with patience and persistence it is fairly easy to get them tame again, or even tame for the first time as with a new adult bird. It just takes time and going at the bird's pace. The process can't be rushed and trying to do so will cause setbacks instead of progress.

Also, if you enjoy Kirby and you don't have time to keep her tame that is perfectly OK too. There are many people who keep birds and enjoy watching them even if they never play with them outside of the cages. If that is your situation you might want to consider getting a companion for her so she will have company when you are gone or busy.

What you don't want is to provide a "Kirby snack" for your cats!!! ;)

09-25-2009, 11:35 AM
The other replies are right on. Routine and consistency are necessary for a continued relationship with your bird. Even a few days without their routine can make a difference. You may want to try and make Kerby part of your morning routine. I've had great success including birds into my mornings getting ready for work. They love to be a part of showering (on the shower rod or cabinet), they love watching me brush my teeth, and all the other stuff that happens.

Good Luck:)