View Full Version : StormyMom found Mika!

09-25-2009, 08:24 PM
I hope you don't mind me posting here, but I'm not sure how often you're here.

MIKA IS HOME!!!! I'll let Jani fill you in on the details. Poor little guy; it sounds like he's been through ****.

But HE'S HOME!:happy:


09-25-2009, 09:08 PM
omg what?!?!when?!?! is he ok is he very trumatized omg inquireing minds want to know was the thief arrested?!?!?!?

09-25-2009, 09:12 PM
REALLY? i'm so stinking happy to hear that! i can't wait for details!!

Pips mom
09-25-2009, 09:14 PM
Wow, that is great news!!! Now maybe she'll know in her heart and have less doubt about the chances of Bailey being found as well....Two down, one to go!

09-25-2009, 09:34 PM
What's the scoop, darn it!? :rofl: The suspense is killing me!

That is really, unbelievably, excellent news.

09-25-2009, 09:47 PM
Here is the whole story:


09-25-2009, 10:16 PM
OMG OMG OMG !!!! That's the best news I've heard all year !!So happy he's back home :happy:

09-25-2009, 10:41 PM
LOL thanks Flip you beat me!

I know im sorry i havent been around. And it was a long story, but thanks to an awesome person who gave me a second chance to prove it was my Mika. He bit me the first time!!! For some reason hes very iffy with me, but hes perfectly fine with Eric. Itll take time, but im just glad hes home!

Bubbleking: he flew into some ladys screen door and almost got eaten by her cat. He had many people try to claim him, but in the end he thinks they were just all looking for a "free bird". He was an awesome guy and im so greatful he believed me. Im not sure where hes been, but he has picked up a couple new words in a high pitched voice. So idk if someones had him and he got away, or if hes been wild all this time. Hes certainly MUCH wilder than he was.

09-25-2009, 10:57 PM
yay!! i read the thread on hte other forum & i gotta say I'm sooo happy!! that's awesome that mika found a way back to her!

09-25-2009, 11:14 PM


Some pics of him home :)

09-25-2009, 11:53 PM
Congrats, Jani!

Poor baby. How did he react to Jaden and the other birds he hasn't seen in so long?

09-25-2009, 11:59 PM
Mika never liked any other bird..so we havent really put them together. I SHOULD have quarantined him, but i was so out of it from the shock of finally getting him back, i didnt think of it until tonight.**** be seeing a vet next week if they can squeeze him in.

09-26-2009, 12:01 AM
Sorry- that's what I meant- I thought he would have been in QT and would be calling to his birdy family.

09-26-2009, 12:09 AM
I read the story, It almost made me cry. I'm so happy that you found him! He is a very cute bird and that is a miracle!

09-26-2009, 05:50 AM
Congratulations on getting Mika back, Jani!

One thing I've learned about birds is that they have amazing memories. Months and even years later, they will remember us slaves who made them happy and took care of them. I'm not surprised to hear that Mika will bite you when Eric is around. He's been gone and he's afraid that's going to happen again. That will subside as Mika begins to feel more secure now that he's home.

Bailey is still out there somewhere. I have no doubt that he will also come home. It's just a matter of how and when.


09-26-2009, 06:34 AM
Congratulations on getting Mika back. Just to prove to never loosing hope! If I remember correctly you had moved since Mika was stolen. if that's the case, remember, he's not going back into a familiar environement. And with his cage stolen, it doesn't help him either.

It will take a while for Mika to get back to his usual self, or as close as he was to his old self. If you can get back into your routine, because birds are creatures of habbit, it will help him.

So now, we're down on praying for Bailey's return. Don't give up. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that at this point :)

09-26-2009, 07:07 AM
I was waiting for you to chime in, J.

I've been following your story on the perch, and my heart has been aching for you. You had more than enough support at this point, and I'm not in your geographical area- felt a bit helpless, really.

When I read the post about your first meeting with Mika, something inside me cried NO! Its' him!!! Anyhow... but you had already decided to go back with Eric, and I was so relieved!

I've had the birds act funny toward me after being away for only a WEEKEND! Give him time. Chris was away from Benny for a weekend, for example, and it took months before Ben stopped trying to attack him.

Prayers for Bailey's safe return.

09-26-2009, 09:12 AM
Hi Jani,
This is such great news! I am so happy that you found your Mika! We'll keep praying for Bailey's safe return.

Barb :grouphug:

09-26-2009, 09:54 AM
That is such wonderful news!!! :happy::happy::happy:

09-26-2009, 11:39 AM
This is great news! I'm so happy for all of you! :happy:

09-26-2009, 11:41 AM
Wilder or not, I'm so glad you found Mika. :happy:

With Mika's distinctive beak, and with all of the documentation that you've piled up treating his beak, how much convincing did you have to do to prove that Mika is yours? I should think that proving your ownership is a no-brainer, as they say. I'm surprised that he gave you a hard time about it.

Well, actually, on second thought, it's good that he was cautious in order to weed out the freeloaders.

How sweet that Mika found security in Eric.

I didn't understand that link to the perch whatever, but it's OK because I got the gist of the story on this forum. :)

09-26-2009, 12:18 PM
Jani, I just read the entire link that Flip provided.....OMG, I can't even begin to imagine what Mika has been though in the past almost 4 months. I am sure it will take time but I have no doubts that he'll come to trust you again.

Hang in there, you are a great fidma and I know he'll fall in love with you all over again.

09-26-2009, 01:10 PM
:happy::happy::happy:!........Welcome home Mika!.......Miracles really do happen! ... Prayers that Bailey will someday find his way home too............:pray:

09-26-2009, 04:35 PM
Thanks guys! Today was a better morning. I was able to pick him up without a bite. We took him to get his nails, wings and beak done, and he immediately calmed down. On the way home, i was able to hug him and kiss him!! Tears filled my eyes immediately. But if Eric comes, he still nips a bit to get away from me. So i guess for now hes just favoring Eric..but hes doing much better with me

Fuzzy, the reason the guy was like that was because he had MANY people trying to claim the bird as theres..so when he had seen the bird attacked me, he thought nope, its not yours..but after seeing how he reacted with everyone else (the same way) thats when he started to wonder if he was traumatized. Plus i had told him out of ALL the quakers i had seen, this was the only one that i was like..wow..its him! Not to mention the reward money..why would i pay someone for a bird that wasnt mine? But in the end when he seen how Mika reacted to Eric, he knew it was mine

And yes, totally different environment, and being that his whole cage is gone, thats different too.

09-26-2009, 05:34 PM

09-26-2009, 05:56 PM
Oh my god, im so so so happy, I cannot believe you almost walked away from him believing it wasnt him and then you went back, I have always believed in fate and that we do things we wouldnt normally do for a reason like you deciding to go back!

I wonder if he was with Bailey for a while? If youve found 2 im sure youll find number 3 :)

09-26-2009, 05:56 PM
p.s im so so so glad too that he got away from that cat!

09-26-2009, 07:23 PM
I'm very glad to hear that Mika is doing better! As with Jaden, it's going to take time for him to work through what's happened to him and to realize he's home and safe now.

09-26-2009, 07:29 PM
Thanks to Jane's clue, I looked at the posted link, all of it, and found that the story of Mika starts on p. 133. I was looking all the way back around p. 36--no wonder I was confused.

Again, it's wonderful that Mika came home. Most people think of found birds as a case of finders-keepers, but this man is special. I'm so glad he gave you a second chance to meet with Mika and that he didn't keep Mika. :)

09-26-2009, 07:34 PM
Oh happy happy happy:happy: Reading the whole story just made my day! Welcome home, Mika!!!!

09-27-2009, 07:48 PM
jan, it's so awesome to hear that mika is back :)

09-27-2009, 08:55 PM
I am so happy to hear this news!! That is amazing and wonderful and it is so great that Mika is home. Give her some time to adjust, she will know shes home and she will settle in. Im so happy for you!!

09-29-2009, 12:24 PM
Hes doing so much better. And now instead of favoring Eric, its suddenly switched to me! I guess me showing him im not afraid of his bites did something..unfortunately poor Eric is terrified of bird bites...the moment he saw Mika lunge at him hes like nope..dont want you :( *sigh* Lacey started barking yesterday, and Mika replied "what is it?". Oh man i laughed so hard. I never taught him that. And according to the other board, he learned a HAWK SCREECH!!!! OMG. First vid shows that...2nd one is with Cloud :)



09-29-2009, 12:55 PM
Your smile says it all...you've got your baby back! :happy::happy::happy:
I'm so happy for you both! And it looks like Mika doesn't really mind Cloud. Hoping that your flock will soon be complete!

:whistle: "Won't you come home Bird Bailey, won't you come home? I cry the whole night long....la la la la" :whistle:

09-29-2009, 02:05 PM
:omg: I can't believe I am just reading this thread! :omg:

What joyous news! You got your precious Mika back! :happy::happy:

Continuing to send positive thoughts out that sweet Bailey will return home soon as well.

09-29-2009, 05:17 PM
2 down one to go was the culprits ever caught anyone being questioned etc?
Better hope me or another forum member dont catch um.....

09-29-2009, 08:26 PM
He looks very happy to be home!!!!! :happy:

10-03-2009, 04:16 PM
Heartwarming videos! :happy:

10-05-2009, 03:07 PM
I haven't been so active at the forum lately so I had totally missed that three of your flock had been stolen. I'm so glad 2 of them have found their way back home :). Here's hoping number 3 is not far behind.

BTW Mika is just adorable. Quakers are so cute :).



10-06-2009, 08:45 AM
This is the most wonderful news! I loved your videos!

One more to go! :pray: