View Full Version : Retraining step up

09-29-2009, 02:29 PM
Some where along the line we lost the ability to do step up. Getting him off of me is a big challenge. He runs from one side to the other, down my back, up on top of my head. And, then once he is on my hand, it is yack yack yack to my fingers or biting to get back on.

Would a small clip help with retraining step ups? A small clip would also calm him down, I think. He is constantly flying to one high spot to another. Hubby says he is hunting for a nesting spot. Could be, I guess, since he is trying to get into cupboards or on top of curtains, etc.

Is looking for a spot like that to nest a boy thing or a girl thing? :)

Needless to say, we have no discipline in our home. He rules the roost. Where is Supernanny when we need her? :rofl: :rotfl

09-29-2009, 04:53 PM
In this case, I'd definitely go for a clip. Once he's more under control, it will be easier to start retraining.

For starters:
Check his beak and nails, as they may need trimming as well.
Get him on a schedule. People and animals like repetition.
Correct bad behavior and habits-- and I don't just mean Peanut's. ;)
Make games out of training so that everyone enjoys it. Start teaching him tricks, too. Birds enjoy pleasing their flock.

Good luck! :)

09-29-2009, 05:43 PM
LOL at correcting the bad behavior, both mine and Peanut's! You are right on with that! It is something I seriously need to work on.

Thanks for all the advice :)

09-29-2009, 07:03 PM
........Would a small clip help with retraining step ups? A small clip would also calm him down, I think. He is constantly flying to one high spot to another. Hubby says he is hunting for a nesting spot. Could be, I guess, since he is trying to get into cupboards or on top of curtains, etc.

Is looking for a spot like that to nest a boy thing or a girl thing? :).....

Although I also feel a "mild" wing would help get his attention, it may do little in the area of him remaining bodily dependent on you. ... If returning him to his cage is the main issue, then a mild clip may not be a bad idea. ... If for the sake of retraining "step ups". Unless he immediately flies off when you open his cage, you may want to second think the decision to clip while searching alternate ways of retraining him.

I would NOT look forwards to trimming his beak. Unless there's a specific medical reason for doing so, trimming it could render the procedure a permanent requirement. For the nails, usually a wide (to help open his feet) concrete perch might just do the trick. ..... Is he looking for a spot to nest? .... Maybe he's looking for the best spot to get a decent birds eye view!............:cool:

09-29-2009, 07:59 PM
I meant to say that the beak trim be done by a professional, if it was needed at all.

09-30-2009, 04:24 AM
His beak is fine, no need for a trim there. His nails could us a little trim. We have an awesome couple that own a bird store in our town who we trust to do nails and wings.

I'm going to think hard about the clip, because I am torn about it. On one hand, I like how independent he is, but on the other hand, he's got a lot of attitude, gets into trouble easily, is being a brat about most things...etc.

09-30-2009, 11:34 AM
A clip isn't permanent though. If it doesn't work out, just wait until the feathers grow back in and he'll be back to normal.

09-30-2009, 01:08 PM
He runs from one side to the other, down my back, up on top of my head. And, then once he is on my hand, it is yack yack yack to my fingers or biting to get back on.

This image gave me the giggles!:rofl:

09-30-2009, 08:19 PM
I wing clip is the best way to adjust a lovie's behavior. I've mentioned before how the tamest of lovebirds can get out of control when they are fully flighted:omg:. A wing clip can be a tough adjustment for both human and bird, but it would help solve some of the behavior problems. I would suggest cutting the first three or four of the largest flight feathers. You will be surprised at how much flight and control birdies have with this small clip. This is especially true of formerly flighted lovies who have strong muscles.