View Full Version : What does your routine/schedule look like?

09-30-2009, 06:06 AM
I desperately need a new routine for Peanut. We have a wonderful night time routine, but we need a new morning routine. Hubby has a routine with the Sun Conures that is precious and I am jealous. :whistle:

09-30-2009, 08:29 AM
With our lovebirds, most the time i'm able to share a morning hour or two right from the start. Because in the morning many birds are highly motivated, to me, setting up morning activities is an important part of following their natural routine. ... As I arise between 3-4am, tiptoeing around does little to avoid the radar of one B.B. lovebird. Sometimes I think he's better than a watchdog! As for Goof, he likes his Z's right up until 7am on the dot. This is when I uncover both their cages. ... The only problems I have with them (and this is pretty well throughout the day), is when I just let them out, and then get a call to leave. The result being two rather uncooperative pissed off lovebirds. While this doesn't happen too often, it does make for a good fire drill in case of emergency...................:)

09-30-2009, 05:48 PM
i wake up, wake up the birdies (uncover cages) make their breakfast and hang out with them for about an hour before I leave for work. I just sit and talk to them and watch them eat, let them climb the outside of their cages if they want to. Im back at lunch and sometimes Neko comes with me to work (Emi and Oliver cant, they are fully flighted). Once Im home from work I am all theirs until bed time. I think they enjoy it, although they are very good about going to bed and not whining = )

09-30-2009, 08:35 PM
As Cherry doesn't like a cover on his cage, I don't have the uncovering ritual that some of you guys have.

What I do is start the bathwater for the kids in the morning, wake up the kids. Then I go downstairs while they are waking and open the door to Cherry's cage and stoop in front of the cage so that my shoulder is level with the door. I tap on it and say..."Wanna get out?" He'll hop from his back perch to the middle perch and then the front perch and hop on my shoulder while we get fresh water and seeds/dried fruit/treats for the day.

Then he rides back upstairs and I shut off the bathwater, and then I turn to the sink and pull up the stopper and run the sink water so that there is about 2-3 inches of nice warm water in there. The kids are normally down from their own "perches" by then and in the tub playing and having fun. Cherry will play in his bath for a little, then he hops down and literally runs squeaking down the hallway to my bedroom to wake up my husband. After my husband "yells" at him, he's satisfied and actually goes down the flight of steps one by one back to his cage where he eats while the girls run around and make noise.

Then when we are eating breakfast, he comes back out of his cage and sits on the bannister and watches us eat and talks to us. After about 10 minutes, he goes back in his cage on his own because by then I have to run the carpool to school & work for my husband and 5 year old. When I come home about 45 minutes later, the door gets opened again and he comes out and has free roaming for about 2.5 hours (I open the front door for air & sunshine) and after that he goes back in the cage until 4:30.

After I get back home from picking my husband up, he comes out unless I am doing something in the kitchen where I would be afraid to let him out (i.e, cooking in the oven, shutting doors to the patio...) He then comes out after dinner and plays freely in and out of his cage until about 8:30 PM, when the door is still open but he stays inside and plays with his toys and eats.

I go to bed at about 11 PM, I put the low-level LED nightlight on near his cage, and tell him goodnight. I also get up at about 7:30 - 8:00 in the morning. My husband works 10 - 4, daughter is in school from 10:45 - 1:45, leave to pick them up during the day and run errands. Some days the schedule changes, but he gets out at least 3 times a day for at least 45 minutes a shot. It is normally he that decides when he goes back in the cage, not me!!

09-30-2009, 09:02 PM
WOA lol
I wake 2 minutes before my alarm goes off due to my conure alarm, Open the "big birds" cage and let them hang out and turn on the tv in the bedroom with cartoons or nature channell for the little ones while i turn on the tv in the living room with the news, change all the water then food dishes then change the big birds and sunshines water AGAIN because nothing say bathtime like a fresh water dish, then i put any treats and or fruits and veggies in thier treat cups, change the big birds apple "an apple a day" if there is enough of the apple left i trim any brown parts and slice it into squares for the little ones if not then i cut up part of the new apple before putting it in for the big birds, then its shower get ready time and i put the big birds away and tell everyone good bye and have a good day, i come home for an hour for lunch let the big birds out and change all the water dishes due to all my soup makeing cooks, and we all watch court shows then back to work, finish work and let everyone out for two to three hours or so of supervised freedom, haveing so many different parrots if i dont watch them there is to much of a chance of fights etc and if i let them out individualy they would get less flight time, then back to the cages and dad puts in forageing toys and shreddables, big birds stay out till 8pm which is bird bedtime in my house them being bigger i again its a personal thing leave them outside the cage as they need more room to streatch and they dont fly off or away from thier cage and branches.
And thats a typical day weekends are almost the same but thier flight time increases to four to five hours as i transfer my xbox to the bedroom, weekends are my game time and they get extra flap time and we play games together :D

Pips mom
10-02-2009, 03:57 AM
I get my birds up and uncovered kinda later in the morning because they stay up late. I uncover them and let Ivy out for Pip....those two usually stay out at first until I get fresh veggies, let them eat for a bit, put Pip back in so I can have some peace. Ivy stays out all day because she behaves and usually stays put where she's supposed to. Pip is out most of the day, in and out depending on what I have to get done. Sometimes I take them into the living room, or wheel the tiel's cage there because now I can't let the tiels out in the same room as Ivy because she gets mad, so I have to play musical birdies alot with out time with them. Rudy I also bring in the living room for out time either by himself or with Pip. I clean their cages, vacuum, change food/water. I don't have to be to work until mid afternoon, sometimes earlier, sometimes later, so I have the day with them most days which is nice. When I leave for work they know it has to be in the cage time, and accept that happily.....except for Pip of course....he wants out ALL the time! then when I come from work I give them an hour or so out until bed time, which is kind late, but I figure they've probably been resting some while I was at work. On some days when I am at work but my boyfriend's here, Ivy is the only one who gets to stay out with him here and not me.....the rest stay in until I get home. Ivy even stays out sometimes when I run down the street to the store. She always stays on the cages and playgym, unless she hears me, then sometimes she'll fly to me.

10-02-2009, 07:41 PM
Wow- you guys are awesome fid parents! I feel guilty now.

The most my birds get in the morning is a scritch and fresh water. :( (Seed and pellets are already there)
I've got enough to do getting ME ready for school.

I do come home for lunch everyday to do water again and fresh fruits and veggies. Nokomis comes out then, but the small birds can't because Nokomis would bite their little heads off! They try to land on his cage.
I do cuddle them in my hand, they just can't come out to fly.

When I get home after school, the little birds come out to fly, I do water again and check seed/pellet bowls. After I play with all of them and they have time to fly and poop all over the house, I find the poopers, wash up and start to make dinner, so they have to go back home. They all get a bit of our dinner.

After dinner, Nokomis comes out again. He goes back to his cage about 8:00, the little birds get cuddles again, I do paper changes and fresh water again, and they all settle in for the night by 9:00.

Weekends are a little different, because of whatever the humans might be doing that day. Also on the weekends, the cages go outside to be scrubbed and they get re-decorated. Takes about 4 hrs for that.

I think they're all missing out-of-cage time right now. I was home all summer and was able to give them so much more attention. :very_sad:

10-03-2009, 07:19 AM
Wow! Thanks so much everyone for your detailed schedules. I see that my schedule really is OK. :)

Jeni, gracious, your little guys aren't neglected in any sense of the word!! I am sure they are spoiled in different ways.