View Full Version : lucy is sad

10-06-2009, 08:48 PM
will yesterday went i post the message " need help " they told me to move lucy to a new cage will i did in the night so today went i got home i open there cages they came out but she is all sad i dont know what is wrong with her i see her she move to her old cage and sit she was not like that they were happy to be out and play in the playgrond they are just in the cage :very_sad::very_sad:

10-06-2009, 08:52 PM
im sorry, but what's going on??/

10-06-2009, 09:08 PM
will scooby want to mating with lucy this is what i wrote yesterday

"i post it "help plz"

will today went i woke up lucy & scooby were fighting alot she was so mad at him she was bite at him and he was run away so i told her to stop alot of times so she stop i left the room to get something went i came back scooby want to get intop of her she was opening her wigs but on the same time she was getting mad at him i guess he want to mating with her this is the 1st time this happen what i know she isstill too small i think she is 3 or 4 mon old do u think is time for her what can i do ??? went i came back home they are ok so i dont know what happen if they mating together do i need to get a nest nox for them i need help im sad cuz i dont have a baby no more but she will give me more babys

1 ist time for her ?? she only 3 or 4 mon
2 do i get a nest box ??
3 i need alot of help???

So i dont know what to do to get her back in the same cage with scooby or not too

10-06-2009, 09:16 PM
I went back and read the message you are referring to and I'm one of those who suggested you separate them. Scooby is older and Lucy is too young to think about mating/egg laying, at least from what you told us.

I don't know if saying Lucy is sad is the right way to say it or not. She just may be having a quiet day and she's allowed to have those. If you want to let them play together or even be in the same cage while you are there to watch them, that's OK. If they begin squabbling, it's time to separate them again.

The other thought that just crossed my mind is perhaps Lucy isn't feeling well. Have you looked at the droppings on the bottom of the cage? A change in color or consistency could be an early sign of a health problem. Whenever I'm near one of my bird cages, I always check the bottom paper lining to see if there's anything unusual there.

10-06-2009, 09:36 PM
The other thought that just crossed my mind is perhaps Lucy isn't feeling well. Have you looked at the droppings on the bottom of the cage? A change in color or consistency could be an early sign of a health problem. Whenever I'm near one of my bird cages, I always check the bottom paper lining to see if there's anything unusual there.[/QUOTE]

went i clean there cages that is the 1st thing i see cuz went i got her she was sick so i know about that butim still going to leave her away form scooby went im not there with them like u say i just dont like to see her like that how do u know if they are pregnant ??? can u help me :confused:

10-06-2009, 10:16 PM
well, 3 or 4 months is very young for them to start having babies. i don't know when exactly they can physically have babies, but you probably shouldn't let them breed til she's at least a year old.

i don't think she is sad. she's most likely just havin a quiet day. what makes you think that she is sad?

sometimes my lovebirds fight w/ one another and so i'll separate them. it's ok to separate them into different cages. sometimes they need that time out away from one another just like people. like tonight, two of mine kept fighting back and forth every few minutes so i had to put those two away in their own cages (evie and pan if anyone is wondering which pair).

10-06-2009, 10:27 PM
..........when i clean their cages that is the 1st thing i see cuz when i got her she was sick so i know about that butim still going to leave her away form scooby went im not there with them like u say i just dont like to see her like that how do u know if they are pregnant ??? can u help me :confused:

Hi dayz. Please click on this photo link I borrowed from member Tomkat. From thread "Egg bound lovebird?" post no. 28.... http://www.slide.com/s/uVsWKhWk5T-5LJWo67oKzV7CEghqtM-f?referrer=hlnk ....Its about the biggest torpedo butted pregnant lovebird i've ever seen!.......:omg:......Once an egg is formed, many female birds will only appear half as large as this around the vent area.

Where has Lucy been perching (sitting) the last couple days? ... Do you know how much your birds have been eating?.............:)

10-06-2009, 11:59 PM
cuz went i out the cage them come out happy and the go play ith there playarea but she didnt she was just sit maybe like u say is was not her day today let see what happen Michael do u know went is time for her to me mating and how long does it take and egg to be inside her boby but im not sure if they did it

10-07-2009, 08:27 AM
cuz went i out the cage them come out happy and they go play in there play area but she didnt she was just sit maybe like u say it was not her day today lets see what happens. Michael do u know when it is time for her to be mating and how long does it take and egg to be inside her boby but im not sure if they did it

Its important that your "female" lovebird does NOT breed until she's at least one year or more of age. ... Breeding at a young an age can produce certain health risks (such as egg binding) serious enough to cause death.

If your birds are mating/copulating, keep them separate from this activity until the female is at least a year of age, even if this means caging them separately. .... Note...Not only must she be old enough to breed, but she must also be healthy too. If your birds diet lacks certain nutrients, they can both still suffer various health risks.

When mating, the female will usually spread her wings and lift her tail. The male will then mount her from above. ... After a couple days of this activity a lovebird hen will then be capable of laying "fertilized" eggs (eggs that will hatch babies). .... If there is no male around to mate with her, she may still produce/lay eggs that are refered to as "infertile" eggs (eggs that will not hatch).

Most important here, is that you learn to recognize your female lovebirds nesting/breeding behavior. (Mating and just plain being out together are two different things!). ... Because in a "very short time" she can still produce eggs, finding ways to keep her from producing them would definitely be in hers and your best interest. .... Please, keep us posted on how your lovies are doing!.........:)

10-07-2009, 09:14 AM
Are you sure she's 3-4 months old? Quite young to be displaying such behaviours.

10-07-2009, 07:27 PM
went i saw she was opening her wings to let him but he could do it so she got mad and she move away and i dont know what happen i went to work they are not together no more i have her in another cages i see her fat but maybe cuz she is eating alot so let see what happen i will know later

will about the age they told me she was 3 mon old i need to ask them again and i need to ask for him too and i just want to said thanks alot

10-07-2009, 07:55 PM
If you have a picture that you can share with us, you can determine age up to about age 5 months with young Peachfaced Lovebirds. They lose their baby attributes at certain ages but are in full adult color by age 5.5 months. Front and side view is what I would need.

10-08-2009, 12:39 AM
here is the pic of lucy went the 1st day i got here scooby is next to her


This pic are form today




so i hope this will help

10-08-2009, 03:07 AM
oooh I LOVE yellow lovebirds,that is my next kind to get..

10-08-2009, 04:23 AM
Lucy is a Creamino Peahcface and her age is accurate. In the photos you just posted from today, she's just 3 months old, give or take a couple of days. The amber coloring is beginning to fade from her beak and that happens at age 12 weeks or 3 months.

She and Scooby will never produce any babies, even if they mate. He is a Peachfaced x Masked Lovebird cross (hybrid) and this particular kind of hybrid is sterile. However, Lucy does not need to be laying any eggs until she's 12 months old.

10-08-2009, 12:47 PM
hrmmm pretty birds love lucy! What going on with her tail?

10-08-2009, 12:53 PM
hrmmm pretty birds love lucy! What going on with her tail?

is something wrong with her tail ?? she is yellow and the tail look like black but not alot

10-08-2009, 01:17 PM
Feather coloring is hard to determine from the photos, as they are dark. Lucy looks like a Creamino but we would need a good photo of her back to be sure. If she's a Creamino, her rump feathering would be pearly white with possibly just a very slight wash of blue over them.

10-08-2009, 02:49 PM
Mabey its just me or the pictures but her tail looks a bit ragged and short and a bit discolored..does she sleep with her tail in the water dish? Does she mate her mineral blocks or colored perches or toys?
just wondering mabey its a begining of a molt thing?

10-08-2009, 06:09 PM
Mabey its just me or the pictures but her tail looks a bit ragged and short and a bit discolored..does she sleep with her tail in the water dish? Does she mate her mineral blocks or colored perches or toys?
just wondering mabey its a begining of a molt thing?

In the one photo her tail does appear a bit stubby. .... Hard to tell though, as in the other photo it looks like their may be some darker feathers mixed in. ... She is a very pretty lovebird!..........:)

10-08-2009, 06:09 PM
Mabey its just me or the pictures but her tail looks a bit ragged and short and a bit discolored..does she sleep with her tail in the water dish? Does she mate her mineral blocks or colored perches or toys?
just wondering mabey its a begining of a molt thing?

she sleep on the top of the cage or her lil tent

her another pix of her the 1st day i got her

she aways had like that

10-08-2009, 06:17 PM
Perhaps your bird has a double dark factor, which might explain for the slate gray coloring.

Sometimes when you upset a birds' surroundings, they get a little mopey. I am sure that is what is happening here and she's not mad at you, she's just being a woman. ;)

10-08-2009, 06:33 PM
Based on this new photo, I don't think Lucy is a Creamino. She looks more like a Double Dark Factor Pallid, which would explain the dark rump feathering.

10-08-2009, 06:52 PM
this pic are form today


her tail


10-08-2009, 07:02 PM
In the one photo her tail does appear a bit stubby. .... Hard to tell though, as in the other photo it looks like their may be some darker feathers mixed in. ... She is a very pretty lovebird!..........:)

thank u

10-08-2009, 07:06 PM
Lucy is a Creamino Peahcface and her age is accurate. In the photos you just posted from today, she's just 3 months old, give or take a couple of days. The amber coloring is beginning to fade from her beak and that happens at age 12 weeks or 3 months.

She and Scooby will never produce any babies, even if they mate. He is a Peachfaced x Masked Lovebird cross (hybrid) and this particular kind of hybrid is sterile. However, Lucy does not need to be laying any eggs until she's 12 months old.

so lucy and scooby will never have babys cuz they are diffent :(:( i want to have babys like in 1 yr

10-08-2009, 07:59 PM
Now that we can see the rump and tail feathering, Lucy is a Double Dark Factor Pallid Peachfaced Lovebird. She's very pretty!

If you want babies and can either keep them or find good loving homes for them, you will have to get Lucy a different mate. She can lay eggs, but Scooby can't fertilize them. His particular type of hybrid is sterile.

10-08-2009, 11:00 PM
Now that we can see the rump and tail feathering, Lucy is a Double Dark Factor Pallid Peachfaced Lovebird. She's very pretty!

If you want babies and can either keep them or find good loving homes for them, you will have to get Lucy a different mate. She can lay eggs, but Scooby can't fertilize them. His particular type of hybrid is sterile.

i will never give them away i will wait for later to get another one

10-08-2009, 11:06 PM
Letting your birds have babies is exhausting work even if you don't hand feed,I was prepared to be busy when I let mine have their babies but holy smoke all I do is fill feed dishes and attend to the birds all day lol.I don't mind of course but it is a little tiresome after awhile and I still have a LONG ways to go and alot of learning ahead!

10-09-2009, 09:32 AM
i will never give them away i will wait for later to get another one

Dayz. ... Despite learning of Scooby's infertility, allowing us the fact that you have no intentions of ever giving away your birds is an important example of what good fidparronting is all about. ... And like you, most of us lovingly accept our fids no matter how they arrived under our care. .... In a sense having been chosen to be Scooby and Lucy's guardian, its good to know they will always remain a part of your family!...................:)

10-09-2009, 10:15 AM
If you want babies and can either keep them or find good loving homes for them, you will have to get Lucy a different mate. .

When Linda said "find good loving homes for them" I think she was talking about the eventual babies, not the birds you already have. If you didn't find homes for them, then you would have 3 adult birds--the 2 you have now AND the different mate you would have gotten for Lucy so she could have babies--AND the babies. Lots of birdies, lots of fun, but lots of WORK--and expense :omg:

10-09-2009, 10:59 AM
When Linda said "find good loving homes for them" I think she was talking about the eventual babies, not the birds you already have.
Sorry for the misunderstanding in my writing! Yes, I was definitely referring to any eventual babies, if there are to be any. :)

10-09-2009, 12:45 PM
i like the fact that my hen is like your male a hybrid and can't lay fertile eggs my pair can have all the fun and no babies for me, remember babies are cute but 2 turns to 4 4 to 8 8 to 16 real real fast, ask many forum members here how thier 2 birds became 16 in no time!
Baies are cute but alot of work and emotional work to theres all kinds of issues that come with your hen laying eggs some of them quite dangerous like egg binding.
Enjoy you babies and enjoy they get along and love each other and you:)

10-09-2009, 04:36 PM
My first lovie was a hybrid, too. Masked/peach faced. He was beeeeeutious! I called him Bo, which was actually short for Rainbow :)

10-09-2009, 04:41 PM
why does scooby feed lucy in the mouth

10-09-2009, 04:47 PM
why does scooby feed lucy in the mouth

Foreplay :blush:

10-09-2009, 04:48 PM
im sorry linda i read it wrong i thou u were talking about lucy and scooby i had fever all day yesterday i still have lil

10-10-2009, 04:06 PM
im sorry linda i read it wrong i thou u were talking about lucy and scooby i had fever all day yesterday i still have lil

Oh my!.....Thanks bubblelady for clarifying! ..... Although I knew what Linda meant, certainly I too owe a bit of an apology for helping to implicate her!..........:omg:

10-11-2009, 01:45 AM
will i just want to stay thankz for the help again but guess what why is lucy stand in one feet is that normal ???

10-11-2009, 04:32 AM
Yes, it's very normal for parrots to stand on just one foot when they are resting. The purpose is heat conservation, as parrots lose a lot of body heat through their feet. If you check in our Bird Safe Products Forum, you will see that one company actually makes heated perches just for parrots which helps them stay warm in cooler temperatures. Only the perches made for parrots are safe to use with birds. Here is the link: http://www.lovebirdsplus.com/community/showthread.php?t=14367