View Full Version : Throw it

10-12-2009, 09:29 PM
Will lucy star throwing her cup of water sometimes is the cup of food i don't know how she doest i tie it with a rope to the cage but she still flip its why is she doing that??? :confused:

Pips mom
10-12-2009, 09:46 PM
Will lucy star throwing her cup of water sometimes is the cup of food i don't know how she doest i tie it with a rope to the cage but she still flip its why is she doing that??? :confused:

Because....she's a lovebird! Pip does something similar to this. Every morning when he gets up he goes underneath Ivy's cage cover and on the front of her cage on top(outside of cage) I have a food/water dish that I keep a bunch of foot toys in for her. Pip will take every one of those toys out in the morning and throw them on the floor, one by one! He also used to go around the tiel's cage and knock off their food dishes, so I had to buy special food dishes that lock on that he can't get off! They seem to have alot of fun doing these kinds of things! they are such little stinkers!

10-12-2009, 09:58 PM
My conures do that they like the noise it makes :)

10-12-2009, 10:12 PM
Buddy used to dump the canary's food & water dishes every day (from the outside of the cage). too. Stopped that one by using a cue tip to "paint" the hooks on the food/water cups with tobasco!

10-13-2009, 06:53 PM
she love to do that that is her new toy hahah