View Full Version : Finally making some progress

10-18-2009, 11:48 PM
A few weeks ago my wife and I brought home a young lovebird from a local "bird store". I have some issues with this place but I'll not go into them now. After putting the little guy in his new home we left him alone for just over a week. Now we would talk to him a few times a day and what not but he never seemed a bit interested in comming out. Well after countless attemps and being bitten more than once I have finally taught him how to step up onto my fingers and will do it every time now. I think the guy has some issues with how he was weaned and is learning how to trust again. I'll keep you guys updated on any more progress I make.

10-19-2009, 05:59 AM
Hmmmm......Sounds like your typical lovebird......:whistle:.....The poker face. A few bites here and there. .... Really, it sounds like your lovie is still a bit fearful over entering his new environment. For only a few weeks though, I would say your making pretty good progress! Glad to hear your talking to him, and providing him with plenty of patience.

Say.....When was the last time we received a mugshot of the little culprit?

Thanks for the great update!..........:)

10-19-2009, 08:12 AM
You haven't seen a picture of him yet I will see about posting one this afternoon.

Funny thing is the bird was really my wides idea I have just taken a liking to the little guy.

10-19-2009, 09:22 AM
The most amazing thing about lovebirds is their ability to capture the human heart and hold it hostage!!!! Absolutely incredible! :lol

As Michael said, sounds like you are making great strides in the trust department, especially after so short a period of time. Job well done! Won't be long before you are a full fledged lovie slave!

Welcome to our community, the land where lovies rule!!! :happy: :happy:

10-19-2009, 11:05 AM
I dont think that the bird had any weaning issues - it just takes awhile for them to become used to a new place. Imagine being pulled from everything you knew - its pretty scary!! Im glad to hear he's coming along well, sounds like you are doing all the right things. Cant wait to see pictures!

10-19-2009, 05:17 PM
http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/9045/phoenixlarge.th.jpg (http://img4.imageshack.us/i/phoenixlarge.jpg/)

Here is a quick snap shot I took of Phoenix with my iPhone this afternoon. Sadly that isnt his cage in the back ground we have him housed in a smaller cage as we are setting up the larger cage in prep for a cockatiel in the future. He is still housed in a very nice cage with a plexiglass front that has some nice heavy spring loaded latches. Those are for his safety as we are afraid that our two year olds would open the door while we are not looking.

10-19-2009, 06:09 PM
Wow! Phoenix is a very pretty Fischer's Lovebird!

How well I remember having to "child proof" my house when my daughters were young! I can really appreciate what you are saying! :lol

10-19-2009, 09:29 PM
Pretty indeed!

10-20-2009, 10:41 AM
Wish i had that much progress with my baby Zoey. She still doesnt want to come out of her cage and is terrified of hands. We have been working with her for almost a month now and i can see that she is doing much better. It does seem to go VERY slowly but dont give up , it looks like you are doing great!!!

10-20-2009, 04:22 PM
OH he is BEAUTIFUL!!! WOW, congrats on such a lovely baby.

10-20-2009, 07:45 PM
Looks like he stopped to pose just for the picture!.......:rotfl.......Cute little guy! I see he's holding on to your fingers without using his beak. ..........:)

10-20-2009, 08:47 PM
Wish i had that much progress with my baby Zoey. She still doesnt want to come out of her cage and is terrified of hands. We have been working with her for almost a month now and i can see that she is doing much better. It does seem to go VERY slowly but dont give up , it looks like you are doing great!!!

To be honest Im not 100% sure how Ive gained so much trust with him so quickly. When I originally started to work with him and research some stuff regarding taming him I read it could take a while to get to where Im currently at. When I first started working with him when I would open the cage door he would run around his cage like the world was coming to an end then jump out of the cage onto the floor then look to be saved as the entire room just became a lot larger than him. I would walk over put my hand flat in front of him and slide it under him telling him up up. I would sit right there on the floor holding him cupped in my hand gently petting him and talking to him in a calm gentile yet firm voice. Now **** still freak a bit jump out of his cage then walk over to me expecting an up up.

Now since day 3 I think when he jumps down Ill let him up on my finger then Ill do step ups until he is facing him and well practice doing step downs onto his favorite perch and then step ups again and he is fine with this for a bit as we practice me taking him in and out of his safe zone all this time Ill open and close his cage door and well work on the full process of coming in and out of his cage.

The other thing that I believe has helped build trust between us is I used a small wire ladder and a rope perch to fashion him a perch for my desk. I like to surf the web play video games and listen to music. This allows him to watch me relaxing and at the same time I can watch him and I will hand feed him a little millet and some times offer him a bit more. Its a little messy but the trust we build while doing this is well worth any clean up.

As for him stoping just long enough for the photo he was fine as soon as I took the phone out of his face. He didn't like it as it blocked his view of me.

10-21-2009, 12:30 AM
Phoenix is a beautiful lovebird! Do hope all goes well with your socializing!

10-28-2009, 10:36 PM
Well another week and a little more progress made. He'll now come out of his cage by steping up onto my finger rather than looking to be saved from the floor.

10-28-2009, 11:04 PM
Yup, that's progress in the right direction! It's going to take some time and lots of patience but Phoenix will come around! Great job! :)