View Full Version : Rudy update

Pips mom
10-19-2009, 02:32 PM
Rudy is doing just great and seems as if he is going to fit right in perfectly here with the rest of the flock! He really seems to love other birds, even Ivy! He's still very scared at times, but he's very comforable with me going into his cage and always runs right to the food or water when I put in fresh! He LOVES taking a bath and wants to take them more frequently than Pip does! I still catch him using his foot to hold onto things alot (I still have to get that one on video!) he does it alot with his millet. Rudy likes to take his food and put it into his water dish for some reason. I give him fresh water and after I feed them, I come back to all this stuff in his water! Weird bird! I truly believe that Rudy is definitely a boy.....I see not one behavior from him that would suggest female, plus he's just SOooo sweet! I can put my face right up to his cage and right near where he is and stick my nose through and squish my face right up as close as I can and never once would he ever think about biting it! With Pip, he will go after anyone or anything that goes on his cage bars! Ivy lands on Rudy's cage alot with Rudy in it and he has never attempted to bite at feet on his cage! I had to take away Rudy's cozy hut. The humping and gacking on it were just getting to be too much. I can deal with the humping thing, but the gacking is really gross and hard to clean! Since I've removed it, problem solved! Rudy seems to like to eat alot more than Pip does and has a bigger appetite. With Pip, playing is first on his list over eating! It's amazing the difference between them. They get along ok out together, but there's still some nipping going on there, so I just have to keep an eye on them. Rudy continues to be quite loud at times, and very vocal, where Pip is a pretty quiet lovie. I can tell that Rudy is going to be very slow to warm up to people, but that's ok....we have all the time in the world! He is such a sweet, well behaved little lovie! When he's out in another room with me and not with the other birds, I never have to worry about him getting into things like I do with Pip. Pip likes to look around for things he can get into.....he's more of an explorer, and I've caught him trying to chew the wires behind the computer monitor :roll: Always gotta keep an eye on that one!
I'm so happy now that enough time has passed to pretty much clear Rudy of any health problems seeing as we've had him now for over three months, and he has such a wonderful personality, so I'm thankful for all of that because we all know that every time you take in a new bird, you never know what you are getting, and all of the problems that can arise. With Rudy, not one....well, excpet for the gacking thing, but we took care of that! :D and he's been a joy!

10-19-2009, 02:45 PM
That's awesome. Thanks for the update.

10-20-2009, 11:49 AM
How wonderful! I hear about their very different personalities but you experience it everyday.

Watch it, too much sweetness from a lovie will turn your brain to mush! :rofl:

10-20-2009, 12:05 PM
So happy for you! I agree, too bad Rudy & Johari can't be friends. She is very sweet...although a bit nippy when I get my face to close. She really wants to be friends with Gussie, and follows her constantly. And I think Gussie wants to be friends. But she plays too rough, so Johari approaches, eventually gets "preened/beak mauled", retreats to the play gym for a bit, then is back following Gussie again. I don't think Gussie is trying to hurt Johari since she plays rough with me, too. She really does love rough and tumble play! But with Rudy's love of humping & gacking, maybe it's a good thing he'll never meet Johari. She is, after all, a Fischer's :)

10-20-2009, 04:21 PM
Awww Im so glad to hear things are going well!! Thats wonderful. Any new pictures?? = )

10-21-2009, 10:02 AM

Seriously, though, I'm so glad he's settling in :)

Pips mom
10-21-2009, 10:20 AM
No new pictures just yet.....I really want to try to get video of him using his foot to pick things up and hold things....he does it quite often, but I have to have a camera ready at the right time, but I'll catch him!