View Full Version : Update on Junior's behavior.

10-23-2009, 06:26 PM
Junior has not gotten any nicer since his wing clip. Even before his wing clip, Junior was mean. He won't let me hold him and he likes to bite everybody in the house. When I try to take his water and food dish out, he usually bites them or my hand. I have one mean bird on my hands:omg:.

But, good news is that I get to go see the lovebird babies soon that I'm possibly going to get. One is said to be normal and the other is a pretty green color. I thought there was 9 to choose from but I guess the lady is only hand feeding 2 at the moment. Can't wait to see them...and If I can, I'll bring my camera to take pictures! :)

10-23-2009, 06:56 PM
Sounds like you have a healthy Junior on your hands!.......:wink:......Now its off to some baby photo's.........

10-23-2009, 07:23 PM
Junior sounds like a typical, fiesty lovebird hen!!! I've had several of those and the challenge has always been to protect my body parts from the wrath of the lovie! Some of them sure make good land sharks! Bubbleking can attest to that!! :lol

10-23-2009, 07:29 PM
Aw just because Junior doesn't let you hold him doesn't mean he doesn't like you.My Pele doesn't like to be held but he'll come over and sit with me and hang out,we don't have the snuggly bond like I do with Boo but I think it's cool he will come sit next to me or on my shoulder even if I don't get to give him loads of scritches.I've only had Pele a short time and I look forward to many more years of getting to know him and having him trust me more and more.I can't wait to see pics of the new arrival tho and I hope you find the snuggle bug you're looking for in him.:)

10-26-2009, 09:22 PM
My Gus was a BIIIIITER. Gese that boy was mean. But every now and then he would do things that just made me go "awwww, he loves me!". Lovebirds are very interesting little creatures, but they show their love in different ways - I know Junior loves you!!

Hope to see some pictures of babies soon = )

Pips mom
10-26-2009, 10:22 PM
It's true......honestly, I know my lil monster pretty well and I really believe that his biting sometimes is in some way a show of affection. He can't even preen my hair without it feeling like he's yanking it out of my head! some lovies are just alot more fiesty like Linda said. My Pip is definitely one of them.....only difference is, I am quite sure he's a boy where your Junior may very well be a girl! Oh my! I can't even imagine if Pip is male, what would he have turned out to be if he was female?? That's scarey! :omg:
If Junior is indeed female, then this behavior won't always be the way things are. If you give Junior time and love and a chance to show his/her good side, the day will probably come when you look back and say.....boy I'm glad that I stuck by Junior, and took all those bites! getting through all of this with Junior will make for a stronger relationship in the end that you won't take for granted and feel like you've earned, and be proud that you can stand up to those lovie beaks....not always an easy thing! I'm tellin ya....them lovies are just as smart as can be! especially the fiesty ones! I bet Junior is sitting there right now thinking......wow! she puts up with my moods and bites....she must really love me!

10-27-2009, 02:43 AM
Hens are the smartest most cunnining of lovebirds that being said i haave scars upon scars upon....