View Full Version : Jack is...

10-29-2009, 06:05 PM
...not very bird friendly at all. :(

She was raised by me, and never knew another bird. She was about 11 mos old when she met Chino, and has never been particularly fond of him.

I was hoping it would be different with another lovie. Maybe in time.

Since switching her to the travel cage, she seems to have more interest in Gremaldo through the cage bars, but is still kind of a bully out of cage.

She doesn't all-out attack him, but opens her mouth and lunges if he gets too close,or tries to play with the same thing she is playing with.

I sure hope it gets better and she falls for him. He's a doll, and the plan was for them to hopefully share a cage, or Greg will take him home. He didn't NEED to rehome him, we just thought they'd be happy together someday.

10-29-2009, 07:22 PM
I've had Pele since the end of July and he is just now starting to fit in so hopefully Jack will come around and realize that Grenaldo would make a nice buddy and stop bullying him around.

10-29-2009, 07:38 PM
This sounds silly, but have you thought of maybe bringing Jack in front of your computer, and playing lovebird videos on YouTube? Mine watches with interest, and tries to eat the screen. Perhaps this might be a better way of seeing how Jack will react face to face?

10-29-2009, 07:52 PM
Oh yes- she's seen many lovies on the computer. Pics and videos.

She's more interested in trying to find papers to shred and destroying my keyboard, lol.

10-29-2009, 08:04 PM
She's more interested in trying to find papers to shred and destroying my keyboard, lol.

Put a keyboard in Gremaldo's cage! That'll get her! No lady can resist electronics. ;)

Pips mom
10-29-2009, 09:56 PM
Awww, I'd definitely give it more time. Pip and Rudy are still not buddies, and Pip tries to nip at him sometimes when they are out together, but I see there is interest with both of them. Pip will actually leave Ivy's side at times to go be near Rudy. I know it's a little harder when you have a hen! Honestly, with Pip, he can be a biter when he wants to be, so I never imagined him being so close with another bird, but now here he is with Ivy and it took time to get the relationship it is now, but I don't even have to watch these two when they're out together anymore!
I know you can't force them to be friends! If Gremaldo goes back to his other home, could he get another lovie friend for Gremaldo?? because if it comes to the point where Jack isn't looking likely to change her mind, then that might be the best for Gremaldo.

11-03-2009, 08:24 PM
I got lucky with Oslo & Gus - they were friends nearly immediately. I would give these two a little bit more time, I know its rough to watch them not get along but sometimes it takes awhile to build a friendship or bond. Don't lose hope just yet, they may surprise you.