View Full Version : inspriring story

Pips mom
10-30-2009, 02:18 PM
I was browsing through the craigslist adds, and came across this posted in the pets section......

Sombody please help sick parrot (troy)

my parrot started shaking today and its constant. im so worried about her and i have just lost my job so i have no mony to get her help. its so upsetting to me i have never not been able to help my animal i love her so much and to think i could lose her becouse i cant pay someone is hearbreaking. I know i have to catch this qick before it gets serious. Im not asking for a handout just help for her. if someone knows anyone or any organzation that could help her i would be so gratefull. Thank you to anyone who reads this and cares.

By the time I had noticed the add, it had already been 12 hours since she posted, so I emailed and ask what happened and if the bird was still alive. She not only got lots of responses, but one woman picked her up, took her and the bird to the vet and paid the bill for her! This woman runs a daycare, put all her kids in a van to go get the bird and owner to the vet! The bird is a 13 year old red front macaw, and the woman posting says she thinks this woman saved her birds life. Bird is doing well and on meds.
There are very good, caring people still around in this world! That woman must be an amazing person, and the people who have their kids in daycare with her sure are lucky to have their kids with her!

10-30-2009, 06:39 PM
That is just too sweet. Goes to show that there are people out there that actually care!!

10-30-2009, 07:38 PM
Hi, that was such an uplifting story. There are people out there that just need some help. I'm glad that this woman got the help she needed for her bird!

Barb :)

10-30-2009, 10:37 PM
"...the kindness of strangers..." This haunting quote is part of a speech by the character, Blanch DuBois, in "A Streetcar Named Desire."

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