View Full Version : I've got it

10-31-2009, 01:16 PM
Yep- Dr is pretty sure I have H1N1.

Around here, they pretty much go by your symptoms over the phone unless you have the severe breathing problems and need to go to emergency room. They don't want you to go out in public unless you have to.

It's pretty common here- and I teach in a high school. Since we've had so many confirmed cases at school, the Drs can be fairly certain once you have the extra symptoms (vs the reg flu).

So- here I am. It's the weekend, Halloween, I should be out having fun, and I'm feeling crappy! >:

10-31-2009, 01:24 PM
bummer:omg: Just what are the "distinctive" symptoms, anyway? I'm coming down with something, myself, but I think it's just a garden variety cold. Not even seasonal flu...I hope! Do you feel up to hanging out on the net? Here's a cup of virtual tea :grouphug1

10-31-2009, 01:42 PM
Thanks for the tea :)

Well, for several days, there's a general feeling of being "off" : I'm really dizzy, my head really hurts, but at the same time doesn't really feel connected to my body, diarrhea, major body aches, in the beginning, not a high fever. In fact, the other night, when I felt like I was freezing to death, and had 4 blankets on me, my temperature was below 97*.

That's the first round. Then you start feeling better, and the symptoms come back, only much worse. My sinuses are starting to get plugged, and I'm getting a sore throat, but it's a "different" kind of sore throat. Hard to explain the difference. Have a low grade fever now. Don't feel like eating or drinking, but I can tell I'm getting dehydrated.

I have zero energy, but my head and my back hurt worse if I don't get up once in a while and get into a different position.

YUCK! Keep your hands washed, everyone, and don't let anyone breathe on you! I've got kids breathing in my face all day at school. :x

10-31-2009, 01:48 PM
Hi Jeni, sorry to hear you're not feeling well. :( A friend sent me this thing about onions. How you cut up an onion in large pieces, put them in a bowl and put bowls of onions in the rooms you're in (bedroom, living room, etc). They supposedly absorb bacteria and such. Haven't tried it yet but they say if you do that your symptoms go away quicker. Could just be hooie but if I felt bad and had an onion handy I'd try it, what the heck! It's just a thought... :)

Barb :)

Pips mom
10-31-2009, 02:26 PM
I think my boyfriend brought this home from the hospital where he works last May. His symptoms were exactly the same as mine so we definitely both had the same thing. The fact that we both got sick in May really makes me believe that it was H1N1 since it was in the area here at that time, only a couple weeks later headlines in the newspaper that it was in town, plus no one ever gets sick in May...by then all the sickness is usually over for a while! We usually don't even give each other our sicknesses, but with this one, as soon as he was starting to feel better, I was already coming down with it. I spent one of my days off from work laying on the couch all day, weak, body aches, fever.....fever was not real high, but held on for a couple of days. I had a sore throat, at times it felt like it was burning, congested and cough.....one of those where you had to sleep at night sitting up to keep from coughing and getting congested! Not fun, but it was over with before ya know it! Hope yours is too and that you're feeling better soon!

10-31-2009, 05:55 PM
i was supposed to get a vaccine yesterday, but the doc had run out. boo. I also teach in a high school and I'm afraid of catching any flu. Did you get the seasonal flu shot, by any chance? I got that one about a month ago.

I'm "in the family way" so I've got my fingers crossed.

10-31-2009, 07:32 PM
Think I have it now...these posts pretty much describe exactly what i felt the past 2-3 days ! I then searched the net for more info and I pretty much had every symptom spot on ... Eeeeeek lol! A few straights of southern comfort, gargle them as long as possible...swallow and a big deep breath in.....happy days! Best way to fix a sore throat, works every time :D

11-01-2009, 04:18 AM
i almost wish i'd get it just to be done with it! i hope you're feeling better soon. and i hope you're not in a sort of job where they're really cranky about you missing work even though you're trying to be conscientious about spreading it . . . i hear that stinks!

11-03-2009, 08:08 PM
Im sorry to hear that - hope you are feeling better! Its very common right now where I am, which is pretty scary if you think about it. Ive been sick for awhile now and still am alive and kicking!! & dieflying, its funny you mention jobs. I NEVER call in and I did yesterday so just sleep it off and my work kind of gave me crap for it. I made the point that "hello! Im having flu like symptoms, do you really want me to come in and risk spreading it?". Work places are weird sometimes!!!!