View Full Version : is this normal?

08-24-2005, 02:33 AM
My lovebird has rather sparce feathers under his wings... I am wondering if this is normal. If I were to lift up his wing and blow, I can easily see his skin. I am wondering if he is feather picking or is this the proper feather concentration....
The feathers on the rest of his body seem normal,,,, though the person that did his last wing clip sort of butchered them,, they are uneven....
Any advice would be appreciated.

08-24-2005, 09:11 AM
Hi Pepero;

I think it is normal to be able to see a small amount of skin on the underside of a lovebird's wing. Watch him closely, though, to see if some plucking is going on. The bad wing trim might be causing some feather shafts to pick at him, and that could cause plucking.

Best wishes,

08-24-2005, 01:41 PM
Yeah, feathers are pretty sparse under the wingies.

Kind of the opposite to people that way...I mean considering the amount of unshaved feathers under my wingies.