View Full Version : We're Moving!!!!!

11-11-2009, 08:20 AM
Many of our older members probably remember our relocation from Hawaii to Portland, the drama of shipping our stuff and 26 birds (we now have 33 birds), and Mijo's difficult adjustment (my grey who is still messed up from the move). Well after almost three years of hard work and struggling, we were finally able to buy a house about 30 minutes outside of Portland and will be doing a big chunk of moving this week.

Our new house is a 1973 ranch house on a half acre of land. The house does not have any upgrades (how we could afford it) but was kept in decent condition and has a beutiful yard. The best part of the house is the sun porch off the front door. It will be a bit of a pain, but we are converting the sun porch into an aviary. The bird room will be right off the sun porch so we are putting doors in and sealing off the porch so the lovies will have an indoor/outdoor area to live and play. The larger birds will be able to play out in the porch when the lovies aren't there.

We will likely move the birds this weekend and keep them in their cages for a few days. This should be a bit of a pain but nothing compared to the move from Hawaii. Given Mijo's development of phobias related to cleaning and moving from our relocation from Hawaii, I thought it best to remove him from this situation entirely. He's highly anxious and had hated being boarded at the vets in the past. So a friend of mine is birdsitting for me. She has one grey and a quiet household, which I thought would be best for Mijo. It was rough moving him, but I hung out with my friend for a few hours as Mijo adjusted to her and her home. Luckily, he has his cage which helps. She says he's doing well, although I am having a hard time!

Anyway, moving is no fun, but it will be nice NOT renting anymore. Oregonian property managers are hateful and I will be happy to be able to do what I want when I want to my living space!!!!!

I will post pics of the sun room when done and the birdies are flying around.

11-11-2009, 08:32 AM
Hi Laura and congrats!!! I'm from Oregon and still have family and friends there. Can't wait to see pictures of the new place. Moving is a pain but it will be well worth it!

Barb :)

11-11-2009, 08:40 AM
Congratulations, Laura!
I wish you the best of luck in your new home! Speaking for myself, I've discovered that I can transform my home with the upgrades that I want rather than upgrades that pleased someone else! My home has been a construction zone since my ex-husband moved out in 2002 but it's been a rewarding process. Like you said, it's mine and no one can tell me what I can or can't do with my living space!

When I first saw the subject of your message, the first thing that I thought about was Mijo and how poorly he handled the last move. I'm so glad things are going better this time! He is so lucky to have you!

11-11-2009, 08:53 AM
Congratulation on returning to ownership! I hope Mijo adapts better. How is he reacting to the other grey? Is it helping him a little bit?

I look forward to seing the pictures of the bird room and sun room. You always had a great set up for your birds. This should be interesting :)

11-11-2009, 10:45 AM
oh my goodness, i can't imagine moving with so many birds. moving with just two cats is always a hassle! i hope they handle it well.

i used to live near portland. i liked portland pretty well, but wasn't ever very fond of my town. pictures of the house? :) maybe? i sort of like looking at houses and dreaming someday i'll have one too.

11-11-2009, 11:06 AM
Laura, CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so happy for you, hubby and birds! :happy:You're right, moving is a huge pain BUT, when it's finally done it'll be just great. Especially having that space for the birds! :)

I'm looking forward to photos but if you're like me you'll still be unpacking boxes for months (or longer!). :D

11-11-2009, 11:47 AM
Hi Laura! Wow- what a great development! :happy:

Where are you moving? I'm 30 min from Ptld too. Which direction did you go?

Still looking forward to hitting the feed store with ya! :)

11-11-2009, 06:20 PM
I'm excited for you AND the flock, Laura!

I'm hoping to get to OR sometime next year to visit my nephew in Eugene and my cousin in Portland. Maybe you, Jeni and I could try to get together :)

11-11-2009, 06:49 PM
That would be so much fun, Eliza! :happy:

I haven't heard yet, but I'm guessing Laura moved to Oregon City, which is only about 15 mins from me.

11-11-2009, 08:57 PM
Congrats to you and your family Laura! .... While moving is definitely a pain in the a$$, at least its to your very own home!

Best wishes and prayers for a bright and happy future!............:)

11-11-2009, 09:31 PM
I'm so happy for you :) And I'm so happy for me that it's you moving and not me! :rofl:

11-12-2009, 09:48 AM
Thanks for the well wishes everyone!!! Yep! Moving is a pain and I will likely never fully unpack:whistle:. It's hard cause I'm a minimalist who hates stuff and my husband is a pack rat:omg:. So I try and keep as much stuff as I can boxed up and in the garage:whistle:.

We are actually moving to Warren, which is pretty much the opposite of Oregon City. We had actually looked pretty hard at Oregon City before I graduated with my MSW and got a job in St. Helens. My husband still works for the DOE in Hawaii and works from home so we didn't have to consider travel for him. Warren is a pretty rural area about 10 minutes from St. Helens. It's interesting cause our street is a short street with houses on even 1/2 acre lots. I guess this is pretty rare do to the lack of water sources available in the area. So there area is pretty much all ranches with no approvals available for more development. This makes me VERY happy knowing housing tracks won't start bombarding the area.

I will definately post picks. The sunroom has had a small delay as my husband is having a hard time finding some relevant pieces to the roof. It shouldn't be much of a delay though.

I think Mijo will love it. The back yard is very pretty and well kept up. It's quiet and he will be able to have a gigantic window, which he missed from Hawaii.

All Oregonians and people visiting Oregon. I am open to meeting and getting together. So please PM if you are in the area or wanting to meet.

Jenny. Did you hear about the Quality Cage Sale in Dec.? I so hope I remember. We are planning on buying new cages for the lovies so I want to go and see what they have.

Pips mom
11-12-2009, 11:37 AM
Congrats on your new home! I too am glad that it isn't me moving!! Moving is one the hardest jobs there is! The sunroom sounds really nice, I bet the birds will love it! Hopefully this move won't affect Mijo negatively since you have a good situation for him during the move.....he may even make a new friend! I have an idea how hard it is with Mijo because Ivy is a very fearful bird.....she terrified of any other people besides me and my boyfriend, gets car sick, and is afraid of alot of things too, like halloween decorations, motorcycle helmets. She freaks over things sometimes and I don't even know what it is that's causing it! She did well though when we left her with the neighbors while on vacation last year so she could have her cage.....having that familiar cage helps alot I'm sure! He'll probably settle in well there while you're moving! It's alot of work moving! but I'm sure will be very worthwhile!

11-12-2009, 12:06 PM
congratulations on your new home :) and by the way, i didn't know you have 33 birds!!

11-12-2009, 12:30 PM
Haven't heard about the sale- what day?

Haven't been a fan of the Qual Cages, as all the ones I've seen do not have slide out grates. I'm actually trying to save to get a couple of my birds OUT of Qual Cages. I want the HQ flight cages. I had one once, but gave it my BIL for his sun conure.

Nokomis' is a real nice cage (King's, I think). I wish it were bigger, though.

Wouldn't mind going with you to look, though, let me know when you find out what day. :)