View Full Version : potty training question

08-24-2005, 02:52 AM
I have read lots of info about potty training and have got my bird about 70% there,,, but my problem is:

he goes when I tell him, however he hasn't made the leap to ONLY going when I tell him. The literature I have read seems to think that these two go hand in hand and from the stains on my T-shirt, I beg to differ.

Some acticles say the bird will fuss and/or develope some sign to let you know he has to go, but so far I haven't caught on to that....

Any advice on how I teach him that when he is out of the cage he has to ONLY go when I tell him, would be appreciated.

08-24-2005, 04:55 AM
Nope. Not even sure it can honestly be done fully. They are so small things go through them faster. But then again who knows. I can not even potty train my 3yr old son so not gonna even try with birds. My birds rarely potty one me come to think of it.


08-24-2005, 12:18 PM

If someone has a bird that only goes to the bathroom when they tell them too, I would definitely be surprised. I think 70% is an awesome percentage, and as you get better at timing, I'm sure that number will go up, but I still think you will get the occasional poop on the shirt.

I don't pay very close attention to the time lapse sometimes, so I do get the occasional poop on the shirt. My lovies do pretty well, but my GCC does a bit better as he does make a production of backing up and trying to hang off of you to poop. If he ever poops on me, it's my fault :lol

08-24-2005, 02:16 PM
but my GCC does a bit better as he does make a production of backing up and trying to hang off of you to poop.

Lori, I had to laugh! Oliver does that same thing. He will go out of his way to poop OFF of me instead of ON me! Problem is, I wear a poop cape and if he'd just relax and poop on me, it would all be on the cape instead of on my legs, the floor, the doors, the furniture.......well, you know, everwhere! :D

08-24-2005, 05:45 PM
my GCC does a bit better as he does make a production of backing up and trying to hang off of you to poop.

Ditto does that too. Not just on me but just about everywhere he is. He'll hang his butt so low it's almost below the perch he's sitting on. Makes cleaning the cage easy since there's almost no poop anywhere but the grate and paper in the tray.

Except when he's on his boing then it hits the lower parts.

08-26-2005, 07:11 PM
Really I've only heard of bigger birds like Conures being able to be 100% potty trained so that when they need to go they fly to a potty "bucket" from wherever they are. I thought that was amazing. Mercuri for some reason is getting really good--before she jumps up onto me from her cage, she poops beforehand. Also, she'll start fidgeting and trying to get off of me and then I know she needs to go again. Sometimes she'll bite and I'll get upset and she'll go on my hand...and then I'll be like, "oh...I get it" ... maybe it's something that comes with age? What do you mean by potty training anyway? As in, your bird will only on in one section of the cage? My boyfriend's aunt's 17 year old lovie would do that, so it made cleaning much easier. I'd love to figure that out...