View Full Version : Lovie feeding my conure - boy or girl

11-13-2009, 03:22 AM
My Fischer's (1.5 yo) is in love with our green-cheek conure (almost 2 yo) and often feeds her.

Would this behavior indicate that my Fischer's is a girl or a boy or do both sexes do that?

Thank you.

11-13-2009, 06:04 AM
Well, with my two, Sticky my male does most of the feeding between my two, although once in a while, Bobble my female will return the favour but only very rarely!

11-13-2009, 07:55 AM
I'm so jealous. My Lovie is smitten with my GCC, but my GCC absolutely want's nothing to do with him, or anyone else besides me for that matter.

Rico (Lovie) tries so hard to preen and feed Kip (GCC) but Kip either wants to be left alone or sit with daddy. Rico is a male and so is Kip.

Pips mom
11-13-2009, 07:56 AM
Cute isn't it? when they are in love like that? I'm thinking lovies with their very social nature are more likely to like other species of birds.....Pip even loved the dog we used to have! It's funny how lovies tend to not be very picky about who they love when it comes to size or even if the other animal is not a bird!! I've seen this so many times with lovies....they sure are funny little birds! Pip tries to feed Ivy alot too and he's a boy, at least I'm quite sure he's a boy. I think females do this too, but I've heard that males do it more, so it could be a clue to the sex of your lovie.

Pips mom
11-13-2009, 07:58 AM
I'm so jealous. My Lovie is smitten with my GCC, but my GCC absolutely want's nothing to do with him, or anyone else besides me for that matter.

Rico (Lovie) tries so hard to preen and feed Kip (GCC) but Kip either wants to be left alone or sit with daddy. Rico is a male and so is Kip.

I often wonder if it makes a difference if sex of the other species bird makes a difference and if they know the other bird is male or female. Pip and Ivy are male and female!

11-13-2009, 08:17 AM
Feeding is a sign of affection and I've seen both genders do it. Sounds like they have quite a friendship building there! :)

With Fischer's Lovebirds, eye shape can indicate gender. Females tend to have almond shaped eyes, while males tend to have round eyes. Look at the eye, itself, not the ring around it. This is the method I use when I'm looking for my own breeder stock. I would never guarantee gender based on this but it's worked for me, personally!

11-13-2009, 10:54 PM
I often wonder if it makes a difference if sex of the other species bird makes a difference and if they know the other bird is male or female.

I often wonder about that too.

Thanks everyone for replies.

Lynda, I will double check my Fischer's eye shape.

Here is my couple I was talking about :)
And speaking of my Fischer's. He was 8 mo old when he was finally weaned.



Pips mom
11-14-2009, 10:01 AM
Awww.....they have matching eyes with the ring! Did they like each other from the start? because Pip and Ivy did....it just took time for their relationship to get where it is now. For a long time I always had to watch them together because Pip would harrass and cause trouble, where Ivy is a more laid back personality. Now I don't even have to watch them out together anymore! Love mornings when they wake up and Pip just has to get with Ivy first thing and get all lovey with her!

11-14-2009, 12:50 PM
Aw, there's my Dinka! Give her a big kiss for me please :)

11-14-2009, 03:28 PM
Sooooooo sweet. And I'm sooooooo jealous. That's the way I hoped my Fischer's/GCC duo would be. No such luck. They can now hang out on me at the same time in reasonable peace but it gets a bit beaky if they get too close together. I haven't given up all hope yet, but something tells me they will never be feeding each other :rofl: