View Full Version : feather plucking!

11-14-2009, 08:31 AM
I have a little lovie that absolutely adores me. It is to the point that if I don't spend every waking moment with her, she begins to feather pluck. I have been using "pluck no more" with little results and now she is starting to go after her beautiful tail feathers.
She is developing a small bald spot over her left shoulder. I am still too new to all this although I have learned a lot from all of you. But, can someone please answer two questions:
1) what does molting vs. plucking look like? I don't mean the bald patches, is it normal to loose whole feathers, is that molting or plucking?
2) any other ideas on how to control the plucking.
I would be grateful for any and all responses.

11-15-2009, 02:16 AM
I'm not an expert on plucking but I can point you to a place that might help you till you get an answer on here,take a look at the resource library listed under the forums section there is an article on plucking.You also might have some luck if you use the search feature and type in the word "plucking"you can use the search to search specific categories like health to narrow down what you're looking for.Hope you get an answer to your question and that your bird feels better soon!

11-15-2009, 05:57 AM
When you have a bird that is plucking its feathers, start with an exam with your avian vet to rule out medical causes. I would do bloodwork, at least, for starters, to see is anything is abnormal. My own avian vet maintains that most plucking can be traced back to some kind of medical problem.