View Full Version : evie's vet visit

11-16-2009, 11:42 AM
the vet said that evie had injured her "armpit" area and that is why she's been picking at that area. she said her skin is red and raw looking, about a nickel size. she said that evie could have injured herself on a toy or pan could have bitten her there, no one really knows. she said birds will pick/pluck at injured parts of the body.

she gave me baytril, twice a day for 10 days. unfortunately, my klutzy self didnt know how to open the syringe and when i did, i also spilled some. hopefully there's still enough for her for ten days.

11-16-2009, 01:53 PM
so she didn't say anything about Evie's vent area or whether she's actually going into laying mode?

11-16-2009, 02:51 PM
so she didn't say anything about Evie's vent area or whether she's actually going into laying mode?

nope. in fact, i totally forgot about that. we were just so into talking about evie's shoulder area. i was so shocked to learn that she had injured that area, that i could only focus on that. i should have been more focused, but i totally spaced. now i have to find a way to administer her meds to her. i tried twice already and she's so darn fast and knows how to wiggle right out of my hands. i'll try again before i head out for night class.

11-16-2009, 06:29 PM
Have you tried using a dish towel for giving her the meds?
It worked so much better for me than just holding him. It was easier for me because I didn't get bit and he seemed more relaxed

11-16-2009, 07:45 PM
yep- dish towel or wash cloth for slippery little lovies

11-16-2009, 08:59 PM
Also, until I (finally) learned how to dose a lovie, I loaded up TWO syringes with the medicine, in the event that one dose landed on the top of the head, or down the outside of her neck, or any other mishap.

I know, insane, but if you only know how hard it is to catch Juanita in the first place!...A bird in hand is worth two in the bush! This method allowed me to make mistakes but still give the dose to Juanita. Drop one empty syringe and pick up the other loaded one if you have a mishap--all with one hand.

It might be a useful method for you to consider. If I'm successful in dosing Juanita the first time, I empty the other syringe into the sink. I don't double dose, by the way. :)

Pips mom
11-16-2009, 09:30 PM
Lovebirds have to be one of the hardest ones to medicate! I'm lucky with Pip.....he was not bad at all the last time he needed meds. God forbid though if I ever had to medicate Rudy.....I'm hoping that won't happen for at least a couple of years so he'll be better with us! I think giving meds to birds is something you learn and become better at with each time you have to do it! I've had to medicate now 4 times! two of those were Pip! Using two people is the best way.....one to hold the bird, and one to get it in the beak! Be careful though with lovies......with Pip my boyfriend held him and I got the meds in, only while you're doing this you tend to want to aim the head down a bit so the meds will go in......don't do that! always keep the top of their head up! One time Pip seemed to choke and wheeze because we did this, so from that time on, we knew to be careful of this and always keep his head upright, never leaning it back or down in any way! Good luck! and remember....it may seem hard at first, but you'll get better at it!

11-16-2009, 11:06 PM
practice makes perfect i guess and it's still a work in progress. i had to only do it one other time, about a year ago w/ joey. he was really bad. i had to dab his dose on a millet bud and he just ate it and that's how i got it down his mouth. evie's a bit easier in a sense that she does not bite at all whereas Joey did, but unlike him, she's faster and more determined to wiggle out of my hand. godforbid i ever have to administer anything to Pan. he will take a finger or two off!!!

Pips mom
11-17-2009, 10:13 AM
At least you are medicating to prevent infection, and not to get rid of an infection! I would tend to think each dose is alot more important when it's for a sick bird, so I wouldn't freak out too much if at first you can't get it into her very well every time. I had to medicate my cockatiel Boss also for an injury to prevent infection, and for Ivy when Pip bit off her toe nail, also to prevent infection. Pip's meds for bacterial infections and he was definitely the hardest one to give them to! First time he was really bad, but the second time, one year later, he wasn't too bad at all! Thing is....they tend to be easier when you first start giving the meds because they start to realize what's coming after a couple of days.....once the know.....oh no...they're going to get me with that horrible tasting stuff again! they start to catch on and put up more of a fight!

11-17-2009, 12:04 PM
pips mom, i totally agree. haha, with joey, as soon as he saw the syringe, he ran. he would run down my back and hang out in the middle where i couldn't get him. smart little booger.

11-17-2009, 04:01 PM
he would run down my back and hang out in the middle where i couldn't get him. smart little booger.

How do they know just how long our arms are? Their geometry skills really are amazing :)