View Full Version : I know this isn't a site for beauty advice but I was just wondering...

11-22-2009, 12:01 AM
Is there any way to rid under eye creases/wrinkles? Over the years I have been exposed to a lot of sun and have sun damage under my eyes. I've tried multiple creams to try and make them go away but nothing is working and it's starting to really bug me. I don't mean for this to sound like a silly question but does anyone have any advice?:confused:

11-22-2009, 12:28 AM
The best thing I've ever found for my skin is any completely organic skin moisturizer that is coconut oil based. I've developed chemical sensitivities to a lot of things that are in laundry detergent, body wash, and personal hygiene products so I've switched to a brand called Aubrey Organics. I'm very pleased with the results, especially since I'm one of the over 50 crowd! :lol It will take a while to see results but it will happen. Too much sun is not a friend to human skin! :)

11-22-2009, 03:05 AM
I'd start with beginning to apply your face with sunscreen.. save what you have left.

I know when I'm studying alot, for a quick fix.. I just put cold teaspoon (or metal) on my eyes haha. Gives it a bit of a perk up.

But in all seriousness, sunscreen, moisturize.. and wear a hat!

If you are overtly worried, try seeing a dermatologist

Pips mom
11-22-2009, 07:53 AM
Geee, and you're so young!! What are you going to do when you get old??? I have never had any real problems with skin, at least on my face anyway! When I was younger and I used to work overnights, I used to get the dark circles under my eyes from not getting enough sleep, but once I had a regular schedule again and worked normal hours, that went away. Too much sun is definitely NOT your friend! I work with a girl who just underwent surgery because she found out she had skin cancer! :omg: so please be more careful when it comes to the sun! I have to be.....I burn like crazy!

11-22-2009, 08:26 AM
I'm 32 and I have no wrinkles. As a matter of fact, I still look so young when I'm by myself due to the stupid pimples that I get mixed in with the high school kids!

Genetically, it's what you are pre-disposed to. Do you have oily or dry skin? I've got excessively oily skin...you could rent me to McDonalds with all the oil I produce. I have to wash my face twice a day, can't wear makeup without it getting all slidy-looking, and hair? Forget it. I put it in a ponytail anymore.

You need to get a routine. When you wash your face in the AM, then you have got to apply moisturizer right afterwards. You may need something thicker, depending on your skin type. Dry skin = thicker moisturizer, Oily skin = thinner moisturizer.

I use Reviva's line of products, they are all natural and help with the skin-breaking-outtage I have. You can find them here: http://www.revivalabs.com/newstore/Scripts/default.asp

The only other products I use are Clean & Clear cool face whip, and Queen Helene acne mint julep mask. All this helps my problems, but it doesn't solve them.

My husband's grandmother has excessively dry skin. She's 78 and doesn't look a day over 65. Here she is and here I am....http://i45.tinypic.com/io3yo0.jpg

Her secret? Cold Cream. It can be either Ponds, or the store brand. She uses Ponds, as she doesn't like the scented kind and all it really is -- is a nice thick mineral oil, although...some brands are now using olive oil. It's very thick and greasy, so a little goes a long way. I'm serious when I say that. What you can scoop out on a Q-tip is enough for your entire face!!

Pips mom
11-22-2009, 08:46 AM
I got ya beat NickyBeth! I am more than ten years older than you and I have no wrinkels either! In fact the skin on my face has always been great...I'm lucky! I don't even use anything special, sunscreen helps I think. I've always looked younger than my age.....when you're young, you hate it! but when you get older, it's nice :D the only reason I ever feel like I have to wear make up is because my skin is so pale! especially when I get sick....I look like a ghost! :omg: being light skinned I've always had to be careful about the sun, or....be in alot of pain! :rotfl

11-22-2009, 10:00 AM
Gotta chime in on the sunscreen mantra. There was no such thing when I was young, and I've already had one skin cancer removed from my face. Think I'm working on another one :omg: (Basal cell...not melanoma.) Not life threatening but definately expensive! So whether you're worried about wrinkles or not, ALWAYS use the sunscreen!!!!! (This thread reminds me I need to make an appointment with the dermatologist. Thanks for the nudge :) )

11-22-2009, 12:50 PM
Thanks everyone for replying, I currently do wear a moisturizer and it has sun screen in it. I also am pale so yes..the sun is not my friend. I don't tan..I burn. I don't think I've ever been tan in my life, and I don't plan on going to a tanning salon soon either.

I never thought I would have large bags and creases under my eyes at this age but they decided to come early I guess..I just wish they would leave! I hope to see a dermatologist but I don't know what they can do for me...hopefully something good!