View Full Version : If I'm sick, can my lovie get sick?

08-24-2005, 11:35 PM

I just found out that I have pneumonia. :x ARGH!! I was wondering if Peaches can get sick from me? A couple of days ago he was playing kissy face with me....Right now he seems to be his normal self. Just a little mad because I haven't let him out of the cage today. Should I stay away from him for now?
Sorry if this doesn't make a lot of sense, my head is swimming!! The doctor prescribed antibiotics, so hopefully I'll be better soon!

Thanks! Lisa

08-25-2005, 07:48 AM

I guess sick comes with your territory. I have enourmous respect for nurses and Dr's, as I know it takes special people to take care of all those whiney sick people.

Peaches most likely is fine. We of course try and keep our saliva from kisses from them to avoid transferring bacteria from our mouths, so I wouldn't play kissy, kissy until you are better, but just normal everyday holding, petting and playing is fine.

I hope you feel better soon.

08-25-2005, 11:42 AM
Hi Lori,

Thanks for the advice!! My poor little boy wants out of his cage sooo bad!! I'll just keep my kisses for hubby!!! (well, not on the lips, I don't want my wonderful hubby to get sick either!!)

Also, thank you for the nice comment about nursing. It is a tough job, but I love it!!

Hugs, Lisa

08-25-2005, 01:51 PM

Last winter I got sick with the Flu and called my vet to ask the same question. They told my babies would be fine. I did "try" and keep my distance just for my peace of mind, but who can resist a lovebird :D What a bad time of year to get pneumonia :( Hope you feel better soon.

08-25-2005, 01:58 PM
Hey Lisa;

I think it's more important for you not to inhale too much bird dander right now. Have someone change the filters and make sure the vacuuming gets done (by someone else).

Get well soon. :)