View Full Version : you have got to be kidding right?

11-28-2009, 10:13 PM

is this for real? i hope she knows what she's doing!!!

11-28-2009, 10:57 PM
Poor bird =(

11-28-2009, 11:09 PM
yeah, i feel bad for it too. someone on another forum told me i shouldn't bash on her, but uh, this is paris hilton, the paris hilton who got a cat taken away from her cuz she decided not to pick it up at the vets, who smuggled in some exotic animal she then had to send back, and who supposedly has like 17 dogs in her house and more cats too. now, whatever the truth is, we probably will never know, but based on the way she portrays herself, i feel bad for the bird. i really do hope it works out, but only time will tell. i just have to tell myself that it's not my problem otherwise i just get more annoyed.

Pips mom
11-28-2009, 11:36 PM
She probably doesn't even know the first thing about birds! probably saw some other popular person with one and thought this was the new cool pet to get, and she probably chose a grey thinking it will talk....one of those who wants a bird that talks :mad: I doubt it will work out!

11-29-2009, 05:15 AM
I don't think it's really fair to judge her like that. Much rather see a bird go to someone like her with all the money.....it's highly likely the bird will have a nice big cage, lots of toys and the best diet etc...no doubt she hires someone to look after the animals aswell. There's millions and millions of people out there I would rather not have a bird before a celebrity like her...

Pips mom
11-29-2009, 06:25 AM
I don't think it's really fair to judge her like that. Much rather see a bird go to someone like her with all the money.....it's highly likely the bird will have a nice big cage, lots of toys and the best diet etc...no doubt she hires someone to look after the animals aswell. There's millions and millions of people out there I would rather not have a bird before a celebrity like her...

I think it's fair! have you ever even seen her on TV? she's a joke! I suppose it's not so bad having a big cage and all the money to buy this bird everything, but to me it's like a person being with someone for the money....no love = unhappiness, unless of course the people she hires to care for him are bird lovers!

11-29-2009, 07:35 AM
Uh, did you ever see her reality show? I watched it once and never again! She didn't even know how to use a washing machine! And, she took her poor dog along to those places :( I don't care if she has all the money in the world, it doesn't mean she is smart enough to use it on her parrot. He could still be in a teeny cage with a seed diet and no toys because she'd rather spend her money on fur coats and expensive shoes! People who do absolutely nothing like her but have millions of dollars irritate me!

11-29-2009, 09:43 AM
What we see of Paris Hilton is what the media and her managers want us to see. Her image is what generates money. Her private life could be completely different.

11-29-2009, 11:14 AM
Her private life could be completely different.

i certainly hope so. it'd be sad if you really were that clueless

11-29-2009, 06:09 PM
Wonder what we would all say if she suddenly joined Lovebirdspluscommunity?............:whistle:

11-29-2009, 06:32 PM
What we see of Paris Hilton is what the media and her managers want us to see. Her image is what generates money. Her private life could be completely different.

That was my point really. She acts like the typical childish dumb blonde on TV, but she's certainly a successful business woman and I doubt anyone would be as successful as her if they were really that way inclined...it's all for show.

11-29-2009, 08:58 PM
I think, considering the problems Paris Hilton has had in the past with pets, it may not be such a good idea, especially with such a sensitive species, but there is a very high probability that someone else will end up its primary care taker.

I have serious doubts as to whether or not she is actually intelligent, or just employs intelligent people to publicize her, but either way, she is unlikely to do anything downright abusive to this animal, and if she loses interest, hopefully the bird ends up in an appropriate home.

11-29-2009, 11:54 PM
Wonder what we would all say if she suddenly joined Lovebirdspluscommunity?............:whistle:

haha, i doubt it, but i would laugh. funny. she didn't even know what walmart is, i highly doubt she's heard anything about a forum.

to me, it's not so much intelligence or how successful of a business woman she is (if you call being paid to party a career...and just cuz you try your hand at singing and acting doesn't actually mean that you are successful at it), it is her pet experience. i mean, if you adopted a cat and the rescue agency you got him from had to take him back due to abandonment, you really shouldn't have so many pets. i don't care if you have millions of dollars. remember she had a cat named Prada? i remember cuz i thought it was cool she was an animal lover, and then i found out she got that cat taken from her, and i was just so shocked like, "that's pretty bad to get your pets taken from you cuz you really have to be a bad pet owner.' anyway, whatever. i just hope i don't see anything about her parrot being neglected or any other animals of hers. i'm not really here to debate on her intelligence or what her occupation is. i just wanted to share this cuz i was shocked. i'm surprised she even likes birds since they poo everywhere.

11-30-2009, 06:45 PM
My concern is that Paris collects animals. She has a seemingly endless roster of itty-bitty dogs and is constantly being photographed whenever she acquires a new one.

In recent years she bought a kinkajou and a ferret, which is strange to me. Ferrets are illegal to own in CA and while I am sure that one can be procured by anyone with interest, why go through with it when you are a well-known resident of CA?

I, too, doubt that she has much to do with the everyday, mundane tasks of pet ownership. With any luck, she employs someone who not only takes good care of her pets but enjoys spending time with them.