View Full Version : Baby and Kiwi update

12-01-2009, 03:06 PM
well, when I last posted, Baby had begun to lay eggs. Yesterday, she laid egg #6. She does'nt appear to have "egg-butt" today, so here's hoping she's done....(fingers crossed).

So since Baby's been otherwise 'indisposed", I've been working with Kiwi, who is a parent raised bird. I thought I might have some challenges with that, but actually, he has been an utter delight to work with! He has a very sweet and docile temperament, and appears to have no problem with being handled by people. He enjoys scritches and belly rubs and sitting on shoulders. Of course his favorite activity right now is the contact calls with Baby, and it seems he'd love to get close to her, but with her in a delicate condition, I know thats not a good idea....

Perhaps in the spring we will let them breed, I just need to have Ray build an aviary....

12-01-2009, 03:15 PM
I'm glad to hear that Kiwi is receptive to being handled and seems to like it! Baby would be hard pressed to leave her eggs so you are captive audience for Kiwi (good thing).

Baby won't have anything to do with Kiwi right now because she would view him as an intruder; a threat to her eggs. Once she's done with the clutch, she will probably see him very differently. :)

12-01-2009, 07:15 PM
Donna, GET OUT! That video is just precious! :D What a personality Baby has and when she speaks it is so easy to understand her! She is obviously one very happy little birdy. Glad to hear that Kiwi is an easy going guy. :)

12-02-2009, 10:53 AM
Looks like we're done with the egg-laying; last egg #6 was laid on monday, and today, there's still 6. whew!