View Full Version : Quick Question

12-06-2009, 10:07 AM
Hi folks! New here! You can see my introduction post above! :)

One day into having my new lovie, and I have a question about her happy hut (I think that's what it's called). I was told that my Lutino was probably a male by the breeder, but then from what I've learned here, more than likely, Nugget is a hen instead.

And I've been reading that providing a happy hut may encourage the laying of eggs. I had provided it to give Nugget a "safe" place to retreat and feel secure, since she was with her sister until yesterday and probably very bewildered by being separated from her. Maybe not, and it's me anthromorphizing her?

She's a young bird, recently weaned. Since she's likely a hen, the hut needs to go?

12-06-2009, 10:09 AM
I don't use a happy hut for either of my birds.

12-06-2009, 11:27 AM
All my birds, except the budgies, have happy huts and we do not have any issues what so ever. What we do is, the ones who don't have separate sleep cages, we take their huts out in the morning.

It is likely that she is a little anxious about being without her sister, but she should adjust fairly quickly. I'd leave her hut in her cage because with her being just a baby, you shouldn't see any hormonal behavior yet.

Congrats on your new baby! And welcome to the forum!

12-06-2009, 11:28 AM
A number of our members give their lovies Happy Huts for sleeping purposes; putting them in at night and removing them in the morning. Nugget is young and sexually immature but that status changes around age 6 months. Make sure you always check any hut that you offer for signs of chewing or loose strings/threads. Birds have gotten heads caught in holes and body parts caught in strings/threads. Huts are high maintenance items.

I'd leave her hut in her cage because with her being just a baby, you shouldn't see any hormonal behavior yet.
Accurate statement!

12-06-2009, 12:23 PM
Thank you! Now I don't feel quite so bad about having it! I'll be sure to check on her Happy Hut daily to make sure it continues to be a safe refuge for her!

Will she become distressed if I remove it when she starts to become sexually mature?

And on an un-related question, at what age do hens typically start to display cage aggression (protection)? Are there things that I can do to minimize the behavior without distressing her?

12-06-2009, 12:31 PM
If it was me, i'd remove it. No point letting her get used to it, then removing it from her. They dont need happy huts to sleep in, do just as well on a perch. :)

Pips mom
12-06-2009, 12:54 PM
If it was me and he/she likes the hut and there is no problems from it, I'd let it stay. Every bird is different and your new baby might do well with it and may not even have to remove it at all, or maybe just during the day like suggested. Pip never liked his cozy hut much. He started taking an interest in it after about one year of having it in his cage every day!!! That interest was short lived....he pays it no attention anymore! Rudy used it as his humping toy to regurgitate on! so I removed it and he doesn't seem to miss it at all.

12-06-2009, 01:13 PM
When I first got Sunnybird, I was pretty sure she was a boy... then actions once at home suggested "hen" .... but now a year later, I'm back to being pretty positive she's a "he". But the female pronouns have stuck, lol.

I've only had one "happy hut"--homemade out of a kerchief for any of my lovies. Makali`i liked it just for sleeping and when it was cooler. The rest of my lovies have had a bamboo keet hutch.

Sunny likes to chew it, but she'll nap in it from time to time. I wouldn't make too many changes to your lovies environment at first.... give her a month or so of stability and she how she does.

12-06-2009, 03:27 PM
Thanks everyone for your individual feedback! I guess I'll just keep adding new questions as they come up.

So, Nugget hasn't really chirped or sung much since I brought her home, except when she gets what I interpret to be a little frightened or unsure of herself. Other than that, she doesn't "talk" back to me.

Is that because she's still settling in, or are some lovebirds quieter than others?

This afternoon she actually "stepped up" right onto my finger from inside her cage, which we had a huge "party" over to let her know how pleased I was with her!

12-06-2009, 03:37 PM
i'm sure someone will disagree with me, but i went "tee hee" when i thought of a quiet lovebird. i'm fairly sure that's unheard of! but like i said, i'm probably wrong. my bird was fairly quiet at first . . . now we call her "cheepyface". :)

12-06-2009, 03:42 PM
first let me say welcome!!!!!!!! :)

now to your question, i want you to remember this day, and the question you asked. because in a month or so, you will be asking - "how the heck do i stop Nugget from making all that noise??????? More than likely, it is because she is so young that keeps her quiet. Give her a little time, and she will more than likely become the feisty, energetic, vocal lovie she is meant to be!!!!! :happy: :happy: And you will be loving every moment!!! :happy::happy:

12-06-2009, 06:01 PM
i'm sure someone will disagree with me, but i went "tee hee" when i thought of a quiet lovebird. i'm fairly sure that's unheard of! but like i said, i'm probably wrong. my bird was fairly quiet at first . . . now we call her "cheepyface". :)

first let me say welcome!!!!!!!! :)

now to your question, i want you to remember this day, and the question you asked. because in a month or so, you will be asking - "how the heck do i stop Nugget from making all that noise??????? More than likely, it is because she is so young that keeps her quiet. Give her a little time, and she will more than likely become the feisty, energetic, vocal lovie she is meant to be!!!!! :happy: :happy: And you will be loving every moment!!! :happy::happy:

Haha - what's funny is I just sat down to eat dinner and check the forum again, and she's in the bedroom in her cage with the tv on low volume to keep her company (after a few handling sessions today - I'm trying not to overwhelm her) - and what do I hear? A few lovebird calls. I got up and said hello to her and asked her if she wanted to come visit (in case she was calling me). She didn't and I just let her be. I'm still not trying to force myself on her this early into our bonding process.

Ha! Another tweet! I'm happy now!

12-06-2009, 06:03 PM
Oh yeah, when I had her out earlier today, I was worried about her not "talking" at all and I played a few Youtube videos of other lovebirds chattering to see if that would make her want to talk to them. Lots of curious looks, but not talking back! :)

12-06-2009, 06:37 PM
i must have completely blown by your introduction page, but is she your first little lovie? i was just wondering because your posts remind me of when i got my girl. everything was so new and fun! i can't wait to read more!

12-06-2009, 06:53 PM
So, Nugget hasn't really chirped or sung much since I brought her home, except when she gets what I interpret to be a little frightened or unsure of herself. Other than that, she doesn't "talk" back to me.

Is that because she's still settling in, or are some lovebirds quieter than others?

It's probably a little bit of settling in & little bit of having an eye on you.

My Sunnybird is noisiest when I'm not in the room. When I leave the room, she starts up with contact calls and chirping. My makali`i was always chirping up a storm during the day when i wasn't home ( i could hear him when i parked out front) but as soon as I walked in, i got a welcome chirp & then pretty much quiet.

Sunny will chirp to get my attention sometimes, but all in all, not too noisy, esp compared to my first lovie!

12-06-2009, 07:11 PM
i must have completely blown by your introduction page, but is she your first little lovie? i was just wondering because your posts remind me of when i got my girl. everything was so new and fun! i can't wait to read more!

Not only first lovie, but first bird. I'm completely smitten! My intro is up in the introduction section! :)

12-06-2009, 07:12 PM
It's probably a little bit of settling in & little bit of having an eye on you.

My Sunnybird is noisiest when I'm not in the room. When I leave the room, she starts up with contact calls and chirping. My makali`i was always chirping up a storm during the day when i wasn't home ( i could hear him when i parked out front) but as soon as I walked in, i got a welcome chirp & then pretty much quiet.

Sunny will chirp to get my attention sometimes, but all in all, not too noisy, esp compared to my first lovie!

Thank you!

Pips mom
12-06-2009, 07:50 PM
Oh yeah, when I had her out earlier today, I was worried about her not "talking" at all and I played a few Youtube videos of other lovebirds chattering to see if that would make her want to talk to them. Lots of curious looks, but not talking back! :)

That seems strange to me that she wouldn't respond to the sound of another lovie vocally. All of mine always respond to other birds on youtube! That was a great idea though! I'd try it again and see if you get a response. With Pip, when we first got him he was a noisey thing! but once settled in he got quieter and is a fairly quiet lovie. Rudy is just plain loud....all the time! he just chirps away just to hear himself chirp I think! he is making sounds constantly! I can't believe how vocal he is! Neither of my lovies were babies though when I got them so maybe babies are quieter :confused:

12-07-2009, 04:33 AM
I got Peanut when he was 8 weeks old and he was fairly quiet. He didn't peep much unless he wanted to know where I was or to let me know he was awake in the AM.

Even now he is fairly quiet. He will contact call if I'm not in the room, and sometimes he communicates to the other birds, but not often.

It is strange because I see posters on forums who say that they can not stand the noise that lovebirds make and I often wonder what noise? Then I got Oreo and he is definitely loud LOL!!He tilts his little head back and lets those cheeps fire, one after another! LOL

12-07-2009, 09:13 AM
That seems strange to me that she wouldn't respond to the sound of another lovie vocally. All of mine always respond to other birds on youtube!

Hawk will chirp his lungs out at other lovebird calls, but my friend brought over her PF and guess what? He turned his back and wouldn't "talk" with the PF. eh.

12-07-2009, 10:52 AM
Neither of my Peachies were very vocal or loud. Johari is, however, a real chatterbox! But she isn't loud. Just goes on & on & on :) And she has more different sounds than eithr Bo or Buddy ever did. In some ways she reminds me of how a budgie chatters. Which pleases me. Comfy, happy sounds. :) And she has now added all of Gussie's (GCC) sounds to her repertoire. As well as all of Gussie's words. Sometimes I'm not sure who is talking!