View Full Version : our favorite flight cage

Pips mom
12-12-2009, 12:57 PM
I just found an add for the flight cage everyone here loves and alot of us use......I have this exact cage and I found mine for a great deal for only 50 dollars, someone was selling on craigslist. Well, I found another one someone is giving up for only 50 which is a great deal. Only thing is they are kinda far from me. Anyone in the central NY area would be close to this one and it's definitely worth an hour's drive to get it. I drove one hour to Springfield to get mine.
I emailed the person and they emailed me back saying they only want 50 for the cage and they are located in East Worcester NY if there's anyone here that's near that area who may be interested, this is a great cage and a great deal.

12-12-2009, 01:02 PM
i agree! anyone looking for a great sized cage would love this one... i have the same cage except mine is only 1 door & and i would've loved a 2 door like that. i only have sunny in this one cage & it's HUGE for her.. could easily accomodate more lovies.

12-12-2009, 01:03 PM
I've seen those listed on craigslist here....for over $250.00 *makes pouty face* That's a great bargain on the cage and I sure wish I could find a deal like that.

12-12-2009, 09:43 PM
If you purchase a used cage, make sure you sanitize it!!!...........:)

Pips mom
12-13-2009, 07:02 AM
If you purchase a used cage, make sure you sanitize it!!!...........:)

Of course! when I got mine, it was obvious that birds had been in it because there was a couple of poop spots and little feathers in the bottom. I kept it in the garage until my next day off and then hosed that thing down outside and cleaned it with bleach and water.....I even used a toothbrush to get into every little space. Took me most of the day to clean it and sanitize, but for 50 bucks, worth the work! I would never bring a used cage even into the house until I had cleaned and sanitized it outside where I could really soak it and scrub it! This time of year, I'd probably keep it down in the basement until spring before ever using it, so it could get a good cleaning outside first.

12-13-2009, 09:43 AM
Ok so i am getting Skylar a used cage of craigslist later today what do I use to clean it I have to bring it inside as I live in a apartment.

But I was going to clean it today and tuesday then mount it on thursday

12-13-2009, 11:35 AM
Ok so i am getting Skylar a used cage of craigslist later today what do I use to clean it I have to bring it inside as I live in a apartment.

But I was going to clean it today and tuesday then mount it on thursday

I'd put it in a large trash bag and keep the top closed. Then you can clean it both days, put it back in the bag, and then use it.

Best thing to sanitize with would be bleach and water. Take 2 parts water to 1 part bleach and scrub, baby...scrub!! ;)

12-28-2009, 11:11 PM
OMG I am going CRAZY there's someone selling one of these cages for $40 here,called and left a message and anxiously awaiting a reply!!Cross your fingers for me

12-28-2009, 11:44 PM
Fingers crossed! good luck!

12-29-2009, 10:37 PM
I got it!!!I'm so excited,right now it's in pieces soaking in bleach water in the tub and I'm in my short shorts ready to scrub it down! I never thought I'd find one here in Alaska for such a bargain!http://i594.photobucket.com/albums/tt25/compassionak/3n83kb3mf5Vf5Td5Rc9cs5e528b7ee77a10.jpg

12-29-2009, 10:40 PM
Good frippin deals. Wow. You don't see that happening here (hawaii), most people lie about how much they paid and ask $300 for a cage like that.

12-29-2009, 11:35 PM
Ya Alaska and Hawaii are in the same boat,I never imagined I'd get one of these cages so who knows maybe you'll get lucky too someday!

12-30-2009, 08:47 AM
Yay! Congrats on getting the cage! Cipher's cage and stand came from Craigslist, and it is just a wee bit smaller than that one. The lady that sold it to us just upgraded her cockateil to a bigger cage for all of his toys.

The cage we bought was only a few months old. She actually sanitized it FOR me, printed out cage sanitizing instructions, and gave us a bunch of new or sanitized toys and perches. I still blasted everything clean with my steamer when we got home, but it was sooo nice to buy a cage NOT covered in crusty bird poopie.

12-30-2009, 12:20 PM
All you people finding huge cages, for such a deal! I wish I could use one cage, but Juanita will not tolerate Petey in her cage at night. :(

I NEED to use two cages. Poo!

I always caution people to use a face mask and wear kitchen gloves when working around bleach, even if it's diluted with water. Alternatively, open the window, but probably not a practical idea for Juneau, Alaska, (or any other points in the northern region) at this time of the year. :)

12-30-2009, 12:32 PM
Well I just cranked the heat up and opened a bunch of windows,no face mask but that is a good idea. I didn't use gloves,I thought about it but I figured it wouldn't matter anyways with how wet I was going to get everything :rofl:and I was right,I spent a couple hours scubbing the heck out of the cage but what a good feeling to know it's squeaky clean and sanitized for my babies.Now I just have to remember what goes where and I'll have it put together!

I've got a couple questions,there were a couple toys in the cage that are in great condition but they are wood and I am wondering if I sanitize them if they would be ok to let the birds play with?Should I sanitize them in a diffrent way since they are wood?Or should I throw them out?

Also wondering about using peroxide on the cage,I soaked the cage in bleach water 20 minutes and rinsed and then cleaned it with soap and rinsed but I was reading you can use hydrogen peroxide to sanitize as well and was thinking maybe I would do that before I assemble the cage just because you can never be too safe.So if I use peroxide do I rinse afterwards or just let air dry?

Thanks for any advice

12-30-2009, 03:52 PM

12-30-2009, 04:04 PM
Hmmm. No idea if you have to rinse afterwards with peroxide (sorry!). You could just spray it with a 1:1 vinegar solution (what I use to clean everything). I use a 10:1 water/bleach solution to sanitize my kids' wooden toys, which is also the required strength for preschools. I drop them in a bucket, swish around reeeeally fast to make sure that it gets all the nooks and crannies, then quickly dry thoroughly with a towel.

12-30-2009, 04:16 PM
I wouldn't use hydrogen peroxide. I used to sanitize stuff for the eye doctor I worked for with that stuff and it does leave a residue behind. When the residue gets wet and you touch it to your skin, it burns.

12-30-2009, 04:44 PM
Thank you Nickybeth and Birkah,I didn't want to do anything I shouldn't and was getting ansty to set the cage up!