View Full Version : Satan has taken over my lovebird

Buy A Paper Doll
08-25-2005, 09:14 PM
Melody is like the devil, I tell you. She's molting flights and tailfeathers like there's no tomorrow. I flipped her over and checked her out (gently) and noticed a few nasty looking bloodfeathers in her wings. No wonder she's ticked off at the world.

Unfortunately she is taking out her frustration on my poor sweet little Milo. Tonight I gave them 4 broccoli spears and 2 carrots, well spaced, so they wouldn't have to share at all. Mel still would not let Milo have any. I ended up taking Milo to another area of the room and holding him so he could eat some broccoli.

Five minutes later, they're getting along just fine. Right now, they're sleeping together peacefully. But in the morning, I'll wake up to fighting.

I'm coming close to separating them. I haven't seen any serious fighting, but at the same time, I don't want to, either. What do you guys think?

08-25-2005, 09:31 PM
I don't have anything intelligent to say or any advice...except for ....Maybe Melody should meet Lucy...Lucy is short for Lucifer....can there really be two of them out there? lol :evil: She is only 4 months old.... I can't wait to see how much more efficiently she draws blood as she matures... By the way your birds are beautiful !!
Melissa :wink:

08-25-2005, 10:22 PM
If Melody isn't hurting Milo I would leave them together. Arguments happen between lovies and some are worse than others. My Cuddlebunny is somewhat abusive with her mate Birdy Boots, but I can't separate them because it makes him upset.

08-26-2005, 08:49 AM
I have sometimes separated George and Gracie so he could eat in peace. Even with two individual food dishes, she didn't want him to have any. It wasn't a risk of injury, but a risk of malnutrition for poor George!

I separate them during the day when need be and put them back together at night. Sometimes I only need to separate them for a couple of hours. Gracie really seemed to appreciate it. I think George was getting on her last nerve. (Anyone else relate to that? :evil: )

08-26-2005, 08:51 AM

Poor Mel, she's have a rough one huh?????

I also would leave them together unless Melody seriously attacks Milo. Lacey can give Bela a good What-For sometimes, but she never really huts him. Poor Bela, you oughta see him try and suck up to her when she's in a mood, he fluffs all up, creeps toward her slowly, gacking the whole way, hoping she will let him close and not bop him one on the head :lol

Give Melly a warm little aloe bath to ease her discomfort. Tell Milo she will calm down in a few days, and have a glass of wine for yourself :D

Buy A Paper Doll
08-26-2005, 06:19 PM
LOL, I've had to have little talks with both birds.

Milo, we talked about the difference between like and love. As in, you don't have to like Melly because she's being a little b**** right now, but you still have to love her.

And Melody, we talked about how sometimes men are just annoying but we still have to love them and it is best to be nice to them, even when they're being all big and dumb and in the way.

Then I dunked Mel in the warm bath to help those pinfeathers along, and I gave Milo an extra broccoli spear.

08-28-2005, 11:15 AM
I'm sorry I missed this post!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Jennifer,

Your conversation is like the one I have to have with Daisy. She can be such a little b----, but she can be so sweet too, usually just with me. Se thinks EVERYTHING belongs to her and no one (birdies) can have it. It doesn't matter what it is - food, toys, momma, etc... Piper thinks Daisy hung the moon, follows her everywhere. They preen each other (hard), play (hard), fight, everything with biting being a routine activity. Daisy is usually the one to start.

08-28-2005, 02:10 PM
Dunk Baths... enough said.

It takes the itchies out of molting feathers and gives birdie something to do while the feathers are drying...preening. It is a great pacifier, a dunk bath is.
A good dunk bath once a day and Milo and Melly will get on just fine.