View Full Version : Does this mean Cooper's a she?

08-25-2005, 09:21 PM
Cooper does the little dance that I think is presenting. Does this mean Cooper is a she? I've only seen it twice and Cooper is not quite a year old. First time Cooper was on the playgym, the second time she? was on my shoulder. I was playing a computer game and ended up dying because Cooper was being cute and I had to watch.

The dance: holding up wings and tail and softly chirping. Do males ever do this?

08-25-2005, 09:38 PM
Cooper is a Masked Lovie, correct? Eye shape can sometimes give a hint as to the gender in eye-ring species. I would never guarantee sex based on this method when I sell an eye-ring lovebird but this is how I decide gender when I go looking for an eye-ring lovie to add to my breeding stock. I've noticed that females tend to have almond shaped eyes and males tend to have round eyes. Don't look at the eye-ring, just the eye.