View Full Version : just a rant

12-15-2009, 09:42 AM
i'm going to sound like a newborn baby's mom for a second here - do lovebirds ever lose their voices? kath does nothing but scream, it seems like, lately. i try giving her new toys, old toys, mixing up the toys, rearranging her cage, relocating her cage. more stimulation. less stimulation. all day on her gym. only part of the day on the gym. bath water, new food, changed water . . .

what's your deal woman?! the only time she's quiet is when i force her to sit near me. then she just watches whatever i'm doing quietly, until she sees an opportunity to escape. off to her gym to scream some more.

honestly, are you just . . . happy? does screaming sometimes equal happy? oy! :confused:

12-15-2009, 10:03 AM
Mine is an attention wh*re. If he doesn't get attention, he will let you know it. If he wants you to come look at him, he lets you know it. If he wants something, he will let you know it!!

I have found that moving him to a quieter family area was the solution. He sits by the front door (where my steps come down into my front foyer...and it's never colder than 70 in my house...I'm in Southern Florida) he does much better than when I had him in my den. In the den, there was too much stimulation with two toddlers running around. The TV was noisy, the kids made noise...blah blah blah. I find that opening his cage and letting him roam works well here. He comes out when he wants, climbs my stairs, visits people, plays with whatever...and then he goes back in again when he needs his "me time". I have tiled floors all on the lower level, so I don't have to worry much about poop. This way, he is right off of my kitchen...and the running up and down the steps I do all day gives him the "people time" he needs.

12-15-2009, 11:34 AM
Um....NOPE !!
My house is a constant chatter of 2 lovies and a GCC. Until lights out at 9pm, its' pretty much non-stop !:rofl:

12-15-2009, 02:04 PM
I have 31 birds with 26 being lovies. THEY NEVER SHUT UP! I get frustrated, but it's my problem, because they are only being who they are. Admittedly, it can be difficult with even one chattering lovie, but there's not a lot that can be done outside of finding some acceptance.

12-15-2009, 04:00 PM
31? good heavens! i was just worried that her squeaks were more of a "mom! i'm miserable!" than just chattering to herself. as long as i know she's got all the essentials, i guess that's good enough!

12-15-2009, 04:22 PM
We have 4 at the moment, in the living room. They chatter much more when they are in the cage. They tend to get more excited when our kids are noisy, and it is getting to the point where we have to put them outside when we are eating, because you cant talk. They tend to be pretty quiet when they are being sneaky, though - when they are out of the cage and getting up to mischief.

12-15-2009, 07:54 PM
They tend to be pretty quiet when they are being sneaky, though - when they are out of the cage and getting up to mischief.

this is SO true of my bird. if her cage is opened and she stops chattering usually you can catch her trying to bite a calendar that hangs near her cage. then we just make a stern noise or say "hey!" and she scrambles back in her cage. she knows she's being naughty! why we don't just move the calendar, i don't know. it's still pretty funny.

12-16-2009, 06:17 PM
Mine all chatter but with sun conures the lovies dont seem loud at all lol

12-16-2009, 08:10 PM
Mine make a load of noise in general, but when they all go on full chat mode they wake up the dead! Neighbours must really hate me ;D

12-16-2009, 08:11 PM
Happiness is an office door that I can fully shut. :)