View Full Version : getting a friend?? opinions?

12-16-2009, 01:49 PM
Hi all,
Haven't been here in forever. Gonzo and I are still doing great. Again I am faced with the 'should I get him a friend' debate. I understand quarantine..and the two cages bit.

Gonzo is 6 yrs old, I've had him since he was about 8 weeks, and he is very gentle and definately a smaller bird. He's a dutch blue. He's never been around another bird.

So, does anyone have any recommendations? He seems quite happy....though I am at work all day and I sometimes wonder if he'd enjoy another bird around. I really would want the relationship to work out though, because I really don't have room for two cages on a permanent basis.

The other thing I am considering is getting a fish tank for him to watch. I know...not the same as another bird...and the one I want costs more too....
Thanks in advance for any advice!!

12-16-2009, 02:00 PM
Hi Melanie!
Glad to see you back here! Hope you're enjoying the holiday season! :)

I, personally, believe that lovebirds should be kept in pairs and, if Gonzo is definitely a male, another male would be totally acceptable. Lovebirds are very social and even with as much time as we spend with them, watching them sleep cuddled up together gives me that warm, fuzzy feeling. Other parrots are not like this but all of mine have a companion of some kind. Keep in mind that there are birds that are so bonded to their human "mates" that they are perfectly content being only birds. Gonzo may really like the companionship, or he may not care for it. You are in the best position to make that call, as you know him best. If you opt for another lovebird, I would get a DNA sexed male for sure.

12-16-2009, 02:11 PM
If you decide to bring another lovebird and you don´t want Gonzo to breed I would get a male as Linda said :)


"I really don't have room for two cages on a permanent basis."

I think that this is a problem. Maybe with two males it would be easier, but when I wondered if getting Mac or not I though a lot about it because of this. I brought him thinking that it could go bad and assuming the posibility of having two cages forever.

Good luck and don´t rush! ;)

12-16-2009, 08:04 PM
I'm a big fan of lovebirds in pairs aswell. 2 males might be easier, but if it ends up a female it's not the end of the world. Out of all my birds (20+ pairs) I don't have a problem with any of them trying to nest or lay eggs without me wanting them too. With a few precautions it can be prevented. On the other hand, much easier getting a DNA'd male, I only find older males aint that keen on the younger males, until the younger one reached maturity and they can get along better then.

12-16-2009, 08:22 PM
I brought him thinking that it could go bad and assuming the posibility of having two cages forever.

Yeah, I agree with this 100%. There are no guarantees that even two males would get along enough to be able to share a cage. Bringing in a new bird could well mean that it would need its own cage.

12-16-2009, 08:40 PM
Even with my Juanita and Petey, my bonded pair, I still need two cages because they sleep apart at night. During the day, they use Juanita's cage, but at night, Juanita wants her own space and will not tolerate Petey sleeping in it. Lovies are individuals.