View Full Version : Holiday Bird Safety

12-17-2009, 07:34 PM
Maybe this isn't the most appropriate forum for this, but....

Do you take any special measures to protect your lovies during the holidays? We take special care not to let them have access to wrapping materials and decorations, and don't let them taste any of the bad stuff we might be eating, like cookies. And we try to keep their schedules the same, though this can be the biggest challenge of all.

12-17-2009, 08:02 PM
Living by myself, this is a bit easier for me than many other households. I'm also a healthy foods nut so most of what I eat my flock can share. Any meal here is like a major get together and the holidays are no different.

I have an artificial tree and my birds don't seem to pay any attention to it. Once presents are unwrapped, all paper and ribbons are promptly taken care of. I usually try to have something around to distract my birds should they decide to join in the opening of gifts! :lol

12-17-2009, 09:03 PM
Because our daughter and son in law work just about every day of the year (including holidays), we opt for an occasional get together whenever we can. She loves to decorate so much, no sense in putting up anything more than window ornaments around here. Hers are enough! ...... Quite frankly, since having lovebirds, we haven't put up a tree yet. Besides, its just me, my wife, two lovebirds, a handful of moderately disgruntled nearby family members, and a wealth of good ones who all live too far away. .... Toss in some snow, and i'd say we have it made!......:happy:.......:scrooge:


12-17-2009, 09:12 PM
As our family celebrates Hanukkah and Christmas, we take precautions here when we light the menorah at night to make sure that Cherry is stowed away safely in his cage. We also only buy plain hanukkah candles, some of them have scents or some of them have glitter & special paints on them. I made sure to really only buy the "kosher" kind that made from paraffin wax.

We have two artificial trees, one is in my den and the other is in the girl's room. We bring in no seasonal potted plants, the only plants I have in my home are bamboo and even those are in glass vases with florists' gel beads (no dirt, no mold!!) Also, here is a link if anyone is interested in them. http://www.weddingflowersandmore.com/supplies-centerpiece.html

Cherry is always in his cage for gift time, unless he is getting his gifts. The girls hand them to him while he sits on the steps waiting for them. When I was a kid, I bascially grew up in Joan Crawford's home and when you unwrapped a gift, it immediately got put back under the tree for safekeeping and the trash went right into a bag. I'm not that strict with the toys, but I do keep cleaning up after the kids as they unwrap. Just something that I'm used to doing...;)

Christmas breakfast is coffee & cookies or donuts, and then we pile in the car and head over to the MIL's where we have a "Christmas Story" kind of day. Some years we order Chinese or go to a Chinese buffet, or we just do hors d'oeuvres all day long. The girls get the rest of their presents over there and then I bring them all home later. After the toys are all situated, then Cherry can come out again.

12-18-2009, 11:51 AM
Thanks for bringing up candles! There was a problem with the lead-based wicks a few years ago -- and the soot they created -- I don't know if they are still on the market. In addition to danger from flames, scented candles can also be risky for birds if they are able to breathe in too much.

Added: There are flameless candles on the market, but the one I like was from Febreeze -- not a good product around birds.

Linda, I remember you posting about putting birds in a separate room when a lot of company comes over, for their own protection and less stress. At your house, however, it might be simpler to put the company in a separate room. :lol

12-20-2009, 12:14 PM
I'd like to mention. .. Up here in the snowy northeast, we trek through plenty rocksalt laden driveways/parking lots. Because our lovebird B.B. likes to pick the carpet every now and then, as well as our shoe and boots, we either wash them off, or keep them out of his reach. .... I would hate to think what sodium chloride might do to a lovebirds health, let alone their digestive system should they happen to ingest it.

During the holidays, there are times we do manage to fit in family get togethers away from home. More often than not this occurs at a time of day when our lovebirds enjoy our company the most. Dinner time and snuggles :blush:. ... I always ALWAYS prepare one of their favorite meals, then let them enjoy it before we leave..... You know, sometimes I think this helps to smooth things over while we're gone...........:)