View Full Version : Another Johari First

12-19-2009, 07:19 PM
Johari was sitting at the far end of the play gym where I couldn't see her, so I called her name & she immediately ran to where she could see me. I talked to her for a bit, & she flew down to me & landed on me :happy: She freqently lands on me when i'm in my recliner or at the computer, but this is the first time she came when I "called".

She still doesn't like hands but doesn't try to get away from me nearly as hard, even though she's getting increasingly mobile. Can fly from the play gym to the desk now. And she doesn't really struggle to get away when I do catch her. I can give her brief skritches--she seems to prefer the fingernail along the ridge where her beak joins her head. She always returns to the play gym if I have held her, or if Gussie lunges at her, but she comes right back. She still is pretty nippy but isn't nipping quite as hard. She has never yet drawn blood...knock on wood. (Amazingly, Gussie--who also is VERY nippy--has never drawn blood, either.)

Her personality is soooo different from Buddy. She sings! I mean really sings. For 20 minutes at a time! And she isn't very loud, either. She does all of Gussie's sounds & words, plus many very melodic chirps & almost whistles. And she plays & plays & plays. She's very fond of going into Gussie's cage when Gussie is out with me, where she plays very energetically on all of Gussie's toys. And she does the cutest little flirting body moves with Gussie! She is still trying to make friends with the bully. Gussie usually tollerates Johari & will even eat within inches of her, both of them in my lap. But sooner or later will lunge & I have to step in. But when Gussie is just sitting there looking at her, Johari will lower her head & roll it to one side and look up at Gussie with one eye, like a puppy:rofl:, Or she will roll onto her side & blatantly flirt!!!! It is soooooo cute. I hope I can get it on video eventually.

I guess if I were to pick one word to describe each of "the girls", it would be:
Gussie...funny (or maybe even hysterical)

That may not surprise some of you, but my previous experience with lovies had led me to think that "sweet lovebird" was an oxymoron :rotfl

12-19-2009, 08:15 PM
.......That may not surprise some of you, but my previous experience with lovies had led me to think that "sweet lovebird" was an oxymoron :rotfl

This is understandable in that our present experience is pretty well much the same..............:)

Pips mom
12-19-2009, 09:53 PM
Pip will do this too.....where if he's out of my sight and I call his name and ask where he is, he'll peak out at me wherever he is and show himself!
Rudy is also very sweet....he just has the most innocent look to him! I noticed too with Rudy that he'll react quite scared to strangers.....huge difference between how he is with someone he doesn't know around his cage compared to how he is with me, which means he's warming up to me! :) The other night, for the first time, he came out of his cage and towards me! he got on the back of the couch and slowly walked towards me, I was hoping he'd get closer than he did, but I was happy with the fact that he was coming to me. I was sitting on the couch talking on the phone at the time.
You know Gussie and Johari may get along better in time. It took a while before Pip and Ivy got along good enough to not have to watch them every minute. They do still have a few squabbles here and there, but neither would ever hurt the other. I can watch them do this now and laugh, knowing it's the same kind of thing as my tiel's do, yet they love each other! My tiels always fight over a good sleeping spot at night! funny birds!

12-20-2009, 12:16 AM
Johari sounds like the cutest, most endearing thing ever!

There's a whole lot of personality packed into that little body! :)

12-20-2009, 09:18 AM
what a lovely update - Johari sounds absolutely adorable!! A few new pics perhaps?????? ;) :)