View Full Version : How often do you clip your lovie's wings?

12-23-2009, 02:59 PM
It seems like Sunny's coming up on another wing clip... last one was in September... it almost seems like that might be too soon. She doesn't have all her flight feathers grown out, so a clip now means she'll have 3 or so on each wing coming in rather soon after the clip. It was the same thing after the september clip.

It seemed like for awhile she was handling her wings well & not getting all frantic & flying away from us when it was back in cage time.... but this week she really started taking off. I had to corner her in the bathroom today by closing doors as she went from room to room to eliminate escape routes.

Doesn't help that she's totally chosen my hubby as her favorite human. lol She likes me well enough when she's home with just me, but as soon as hubby is in the room, she makes a bee line to him.

I think she's got until Christmas to keep her wings, then she's starting the new year without! muahahahah!

12-23-2009, 03:54 PM
LOL i dont trim mine unless they are getting into to much trouble or thier attitude goes to far lol

12-23-2009, 04:46 PM
I'm with thebubbleking, I would only clip Elmo if she started to give me attitude. Funnily enough, she gives me attitude when shes clipped and when shes flighted, shes an angel.... well as much as a lovebird can be an angel :P

12-23-2009, 05:04 PM
Since not all feathers molt at the same time, this is very possible. Lovebirds can be strong fliers and can do very well with just one or two of the clipped feathers back in place. If you need to clip them, I would do it, even though you know you will be clipping them again soon. Should you wait and do them all at the same time, they will still grow back in just like they are doing now. :)

I do mine birds as necessary. If they fly too well and get into trouble, I simply do a wing clip and that limits where they can go or it takes them longer to get to where they are heading!

12-23-2009, 05:54 PM
It doesn't matter how many I clip on my guy. As soon as 1 feather gets long enough, he tries to get in places he doesn't belong. He can glide across the room fully clipped, and swoop down if he gets high enough...he just can't get UP to the ceiling fans or the 30 foot plant shelves (that ascend up my hallway steps) with the feathers trimmed nice and close to his covert feathers.

12-23-2009, 06:33 PM
Sorry, can't help 'ya. Ditto hasn't been clipped in almost 6 years. Getting him in his cage is a piece of cake. I just need to walk over and tell him to go in and he does! :happy:

Shhhh, nobody tell him he's a lovebird or he'll start acting like one. :whistle::whistle:

12-23-2009, 07:40 PM
yeah, mine aren't clipped right now. they all fly around like crazy and they're fine, attitude wise.

Pips mom
12-23-2009, 07:47 PM
Same thing here.....as soon as one flight feather gets long enough, they are off! It sure doesn't take much for them to be able to fly where they want! I think how often clipping is necessary depends on when they molt. I've had many times when it was even less time, only about two months! but then one time Pip went for a long time without needing a clip. Every time a new flight feather grew in, he'd break it......he's so darn rough and tough! I think he went longer than six months that time with no clip! I got Rudy clipped in Sept. too I think, and he needs another clip badly already. He's been good though about out time.....I make sure I give myself some extra time, but mostly he'll go back to his cage on his own and then go back in.
With Pip, no way, no how he's going back in that cage! He'll fight you every step of the way! Gotta learn the tricks with him! Rudy's still scared, so his cage is his security and he'll go it as soon as people start pushing him too far!

Buy A Paper Doll
12-23-2009, 08:24 PM
I gave up clipping for now. Milo can fly on one flight feather. Lily doesn't need any, she flies out of sheer stubbornness.

12-24-2009, 03:27 PM
I gave up clipping for now. Milo can fly on one flight feather. Lily doesn't need any, she flies out of sheer stubbornness.

Oh, the truth you speak!!!!! I tell you, if I had the will of a lovebird I would rule the world:omg::omg:.

12-24-2009, 03:36 PM
I gave up clipping for now. Milo can fly on one flight feather. Lily doesn't need any, she flies out of sheer stubbornness.


Lucky me, Sunny is convinced she needs her wings to fly. I had to trap her in the bathroom again today. poor thing... I'm glad she's got that big ol' cage right now so at least she has room to strech if she's not being let out. With her flight, she gets a lot more out time at one time because she's harder to catch, we just let her explore & chirp more before trying to put her back. Normally she's in & out several times a day... now she's lucky if she gets 2 or 3.