View Full Version : My brother? My favorite!

01-04-2010, 10:30 AM
I joined LBP a year ago today, and wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone who has supported me through the hard times, taught me so much to help my flock be as healthy and happy as possible, and for sharing in the many wonderful experiences brought to us by our feathered children. I would never have tried to rebuild my flock after the tragic losses of Enko chan and Loki if it hadn't been for you, and my entire flock is most grateful.

Today Artie, Kokoro's brother and nest-mate is coming to live with me. My mother is going through hard times and doesn't have the time or energy for Artie that he deserves. Kokoro, Benny and Artie and I spent the Christmas week together at my Mom's and Artie and Koko never missed a beat- they love each other like crazy, and Artie and I really bonded too. I know its been tough with Mom in and out of the hospital, and seeing as with my condition, at least, I'm at home 99% of the time... things just fell into place.

An hour ago I reminded Koko that Artie is coming to stay with us today. He said...

"My Artie? My brother? My favorite!" :rotfl

At this point, he started screaming, I asked him to use his words and he said "water full of crap!" I changed his water, and he, Ben, Frey and Odie all took baths in their respective water dishes. (Do any of your birds all take baths at the same time? This just started a few weeks ago for us.)

Now Koko's singing and laughing and singing. Ben's preening his sopping wet self, and the lovies are doing somersaults. Excitement is in the air!

I am very happy that my mother's lovebirds went through their 90 day quarantines many months ago, and Artie came from the same nest as Koko, none of them have had health problems, and Kokoro and Artie have already shared a cage for a week recently... plus there's an extra cage just in case the roommate thing doesn't work out... ahhhh... makes life a bit easier.

Anyhow, our flock is about to grow again. Artie is a very special fellow. I couldn't believe how quickly he took to Kokoro and I. I held Artie for a few minutes when I visited Koko and when I picked Koko up, and aside from that, we've met and spent some time together on a few occasions since then, but I hadn't seen Artie in four months before Christmas. At Christmas, Artie and Koko ran to each other at their first opportunity and started preening and prattling on to one another. Artie and I bonded in record time, and it just seemed like the thing to do, considering the circumstances, would be to welcome him into our flock.

Photos to follow!

01-04-2010, 10:59 AM
Koko is unbelievable!

You have such a fabulous flock.

Best to you and yours.

01-04-2010, 02:54 PM
Kokoro and Artie really are something else. They're not quite 8 months old yet, either.

01-04-2010, 02:59 PM
It's going to be alot of fun having two of them talking up a storm I bet!I think this video is so cute,did I ever show it to you?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgXqlbOtJuc

01-04-2010, 05:12 PM
To me, it's hauntingly bittersweet watching Pester and Carnie conversing with each other. :(

I'm glad you posted it, though, so you can us show how amazing they were.

01-04-2010, 05:14 PM
Oh that's not one of my videos,I'm not sure who that is I've just always thought her videos are sweet.

01-04-2010, 05:25 PM
You know, I looked at the video and initially, I questioned whether they were yours, although they looked like yours, so I went back to look at your pictures of Pester and Carnie before posting, and I confirmed it, or thought I had confirmed that the two in the video were yours. One and the same, I said to myself. It was only after I had double-checked that I posted my comment. I didn't just fire off my post carelessly!

01-04-2010, 05:32 PM
Canie and Pester got along just as good as these two but the only human sound Carnie learned to mimic where kissing noises.You should check out some more of this girls videos bacause they are all so darn cute!

PS- I can't wait to see pics of your babies and how they have grown Enko Chan!

Pips mom
01-04-2010, 09:07 PM
Quakers sure are little characters! My sister has a blue and a green quaker and both have a good vocabulary! these guys are SOoo comical and entertaining! Her blue boy, Mr. Ed will bite you then say.....OWWwww! her quakers are a little bitey though, which quakers are known to be! Cute, cute, cute though! amazing little birds!
Congrats on your new addition, and hope that you mom is feeling better soon!

01-13-2010, 03:57 PM
What wonderful news, how exciting to be adding another flock member that is related to a current flock member. I think thats awesome:rofl:

Koko sounds like he is still being as adorable as ever - I love the things he can say, its just amazing. Im glad everything sounds like it is going well with you and your flock, best wishes with the new addition!!!