View Full Version : Behavior question

01-12-2010, 03:04 PM
Cipher has a new goofy little habit - and it's to make a beeline for me, nosedive down the front of my jumper, turn around (birdie feet and feathers tickle like MAD!), then peep his little head out the middle of my collar. It's adorable and snuggly, but is it something I should allow? We don't know his gender yet, and I don't want to encourage inappropriate bonding (I've read horror stories).

01-12-2010, 03:48 PM
Boo will do that from time to time,usually if it's a little chilly out,I don't find he does it often enough to put a stop to it. I haven't noticed any behavioral issues with him doing it however every bird is different.

01-12-2010, 05:25 PM
I wouldn't worry about it. Many birds love to hide in dark places. As long as Cipher doesn't consider the inside of you clothing as a potential nest area (not likely)!

01-12-2010, 06:18 PM
I wouldn't worry about it. Not being human or even mammalian, I doubt that birds consider going down a human beings shirt a sexual thing at all. Its just comfy and fun for them. My late Pablo and Enko chan were collar divers. Each species of parrot has its own mating habits (though some are common among most) and there are specific things some people avoid to prevent inappropriate bonding. Then again, there are many opinions on how to properly bond with your parrot, and there are many parrot personalities out there- so the dynamics really depend on your parrot and what is right for you. I think there are some articles about inappropriate bonding in the resource section, and if not, I think I have a few bookmarked on my old computer- I'll see if I can find them.

01-12-2010, 07:17 PM
All my lovies have enjoyed a good romp in a shirt! Down the collar, out the arm hole... .or in hubby's case, undo a button and let the little bird head pop out.


hehehehe.... don't now how he'd like being posted upp here, but that's what he gets for letting me take photo proof!

01-13-2010, 10:11 AM
My Bobble is always doing this, always down my top and peeping out the collar, if i dont let her down there she will nudge with her head and scratch with her feet until I let her in! I think its cute :)

01-13-2010, 12:32 PM
Of course, depending on just how comfortable he gets, should you ever at a moments notice need to extract him, things might get a bit touchy..........:wink:

01-13-2010, 05:34 PM
Ditto prefers sleeves. :rofl:

01-13-2010, 06:31 PM
Okay, whew! I knew it was a weird question, but I just wanted to make sure! I spoke with a fellow bird owner at a pet store when I was buying birdie toys, and she told me that I needed to discourage it, but I figured you guys all knew better!

He looks so comfy as a little shirt rider. Cipher is such a sweetie - I can just reach in and gently grab him to get him out. He's not afraid of hands, and isn't nippy or bite-y at all. I just get an indignant little squawk :) I love seeing him get all warm and comfy, yawn, and zonk out in my shirt, which my hubby refers to as the "Birdie Snugli".

01-13-2010, 06:44 PM
3 of our 4 do that with me, and 2 do it with one of my daughters. I'll end up with them squabbling inside my shirt, or one riding inside my shirt but off my belt at the back, another in the sleeve (arm pit is a preferred position), and the third poking its head out of the collar. It's all good save for one who will nip me, no matter where she is, when the mood strikes.