View Full Version : here we go again...

01-23-2010, 05:43 PM
Just thought I'd post another update on Frodo...unfortunately not as hopeful as the last. She only had her collar off for an afternoon, under as close supervision as I could manage, and there's another wound on her leg. It isn't as bad as the first two, but it means that she went directly back at it as soon as she could; even with attention and stimulating toys and supervision. We put the collar back on her that night before the cover went on the cage because I was afraid she would damage herself further. She became so stressed that she shook and threw up. I feel awful. I don't know how another vet visit will help (I'm taking her in on Monday) since all that seems to happen is the collar goes back on, various educated guesses are made, etc...but this is our eighth visit in the past two months, at least. I got her a bunch of new toys, moved them around to keep her interested and she seems to be; the birdy kabob is a huge hit, as well as the 'creative foraging system', only that took a while for her to figure out (it's a bunch of little cardboard boxes with compartments in for hiding food/treats; she's only just figured out that she can tear it apart). We're looking into breeders in our area (Ontario, Canada) to see about getting her a companion....She chirps and gets fluffy, she interacts...I'm just so frustrated and sad that she still has to wear the collar to keep herself from severe injury. I don't know what else I can do...

01-23-2010, 06:34 PM
Has your vet actually taken a few feathers and cultured the material inside of them?

01-24-2010, 08:10 PM
The vet suggested removing some feathers/skin under anaesthetic and doing some tests, however I was reluctant to go ahead with anything so invasive if this problem could be handled through other means, because apparently there is quite a risk involved with putting birds under...

I've taken the collar off again this evening and Frodo seemed ok...she pulled a couple of the new feather spikes out from her leg, but that might have been because they were close to the healing scab and maybe made her uncomfortable? No sign so far of her biting skin/flesh again, but we'll see what the vet says tomorrow morning :confused: