View Full Version : Chatty lovie

01-27-2010, 10:30 AM
Okay, I know I'm bragging here, but couldn't resist! Cipher can now say, "pretty bird"! It's sooo cute and actually pretty clear! We weren't expecting him to talk, but knew there was the possibility since his daddy is a big talker, so it came as a pleasant surprise. Now, he says it when he wants out of his cage! :happy:

01-27-2010, 12:03 PM
Before we bought Petey as a companion, Juanita used to say "Go potty!" and "Step-up!" in a clear, but gravelly voice. I used to hear her practice during her nap chatters but now she doesn't nap chatter or say those phrases anymore.

Petey will say "Jua-ni-ta!" but it's sung rather than said so it's the cadence that tells me that he's talking. He'll also say "Peet-peet," which is his other name.

It looks like Cipher is on his way to a being a talker. If you repeat a word/phrase enough times, he'll pick it up.

01-27-2010, 08:07 PM
that's awesome!!

Sunnybird is the first and only lovie I've had that talks.... i find it compelely ironic, however, that the word she picked up and decided to learn to say is "Chirp." It cracks me up to hear her say it every now and then..usually when she's playing by herself, or occasionally when my husbband is talking to her.

01-27-2010, 08:43 PM
That's wonderful! Its so exciting when they speak for the first time!

Freyja has a few words and phrases... "Granny" "Freyja" "Treats"

but I think the absolute cutest thing is that they caught onto Benny always saying "Sweetheart" and Freyja will say "Sweet" and Odinn "Heart". They seldom talk, and its the ONLY thing Odinn says, but it is so so so cute when they do it. The first time I heard them do this they were playing on their dad and one was on each shoulder, they were using it as sort of a contact call as they climbed all over him.

Pips mom
01-27-2010, 09:37 PM
It is cute to think of a lovebird talking, but I like the video on here of the lovebird sneezing.....somebody on here, their lovie sneezes...ahhh...choooo! I just thought that was the cutest! (sorry, I couldn't remember who it was!)

01-27-2010, 09:58 PM
none of my lovies talk but pohaku my tiel makes up for the lot of um lol

01-27-2010, 11:45 PM
Cipher's dad said, "Don't bite!" every time he stepped up onto hands - it was so funny! Hopefully, Cipher won't start repeating the stuff I say all the time, like, "Pick up your toys!" and, "Were you raised in a barn?".

01-28-2010, 12:47 AM
It must be so much fun to hear your bird say their first word!Mine don't talk, but I'm not giving up on them!I talk to them all the time but sometimes I have to wonder if they might have me tuned out lol.