View Full Version : Oh, my lil lil monster boy!!!

Pips mom
02-01-2010, 02:23 PM
Today I went to the grocery store and I brought home some green seedless grapes......Ivy just loves fruit! and grapes are one of her favorites! so I washed them and cut them up and put them on a plate just as I do with their veggies. I always put the plates on top of the tiels big flight cage and they eat up there....all the food droppings end up going in the bottom of their cage which is good, but messy beakes get wiped on the cage as well! Anyway, Pip hates fruit! so what does he try to do? knock that dish on the floor! He seems to not only not want the fruit, but he doesn't want Ivy eating it either....he follows her around and nips at her feet and legs while she's eating her grapes.....lil stinker! So far lately he's knocked down the veggie dish I put up there three times.....he waits until the veggies are pretty much done with and then "boom" the dish goes on the floor!

When Ivy is eating something like this, or even sometimes playing with a toy, Pip will bug her sometimes and not allow it! He will nip at her....never purposely trying to bite hard or anything, just enough to send the message!! Ivy has cleverly learned how to deal with Pip and will yell loud when he tries to nip at her to scare him away.....it's like she's yelling at him! It makes me somewhat nervous when they're out in their room and I'm in another room and hear her yell! I always go to make sure all is ok and it always is! I really don't think Pip would ever purposely bite down to hurt Ivy......I watch him do it sometimes and it looks as if he does this to let Ivy know his wishes! Sometimes Ivy even sees him coming and knows and will yell before he even gets to her! It's so funny watching these two and their little disagreements are fairly rare, but happen on average once or twice a day.

I really think that Pip and Ivy could even share a cage at this point, they are so good together.....Pip seems to miss Ivy when he sleeps at night and first thing he's just waiting for her to come out! Only thing though is Ivy really needs that "alone time" where she can eat what she wants, play with toys she wants and nobirdy to bug her! I think Ivy really appreciates having Pip to preen her head....he does a pretty good job and I think Ivy realizes the good side to having Pip around! It's really funny and kind of amazing to watch these two species, SOoo different from each other, work things out between them and have such a great relationship! If you look back at posts I made about Ivy when we first got her, I predicted that they would be good friends! but Ohhhh, my little monster boy......Ivy sure does put up with some harrassing sometimes, mostly she has learned to accept the fact that Pip is just a little monster!and takes it all in stride!
Now....how to get Pip to get stop knocking those food dishes down!

02-01-2010, 02:54 PM
Pip and Ivy must be so cute together, even if he does bug her sometimes. I remember seeing some of your pictures of Pip preening her and they were adorable.