View Full Version : UUghh! these adds can be depressing!

Pips mom
02-01-2010, 03:32 PM
I just found this add.....poor little tiel.....he's in a round cage with one perch and no toys! :( I can't help emailing these people and telling them this birds needs toys, perches and a decent cage!!!!>:

akira-shakira-the bruce
02-01-2010, 07:04 PM
Ugh, I hear you. I want to adopt that lil 'tiel :(

02-07-2010, 09:42 PM
Can you seriously not take care of a tiel because you have a baby on the way? I guess different strokes for different folks but I took care of two tiels, 3 dogs, a cat, an iguana, hermit crabs, horses, a two year old boy and worked full time when I was expecting my second child. I see so many ads like that one and just wonder what they were thinking when they committed to something that lives 30 years. Sorry I am soap boxy today. One too many sad birdie tales today..............

02-07-2010, 09:49 PM
Can you seriously not take care of a tiel because you have a baby on the way?
That's one of the top ten excuses on the list that people use when they want to get rid of a pet that they should not have gotten in the first place! I find it infuriating, too! Backyard breeders are bringing more animals into the world when there are animals that desperately need homes but can't find any. As a breeder, I can't justify letting my pairs reproduce when I'm not sure I can find good, forever loving homes for them.

02-07-2010, 10:12 PM
I feel for those of you who love to raise your babies. It must be a real catch 22.

02-07-2010, 10:44 PM
Baby on the way is sooo not an excuse. I'm expecting my first baby to appear in April & I would never, never, NEVER give up sunnybird...she was here first, after all.

Pips mom
02-07-2010, 11:19 PM
Baby on the way is sooo not an excuse. I'm expecting my first baby to appear in April & I would never, never, NEVER give up sunnybird...she was here first, after all.

Wow! Congrats!

02-08-2010, 07:01 AM
Aye, congrats Haleboppeachyluv!

My mother raised 8 kids- many born within a year or two of one another, a dozen birds, two dozen dogs, eight horses, two ponies, two cats, a million freaking rabbits, iguanas, skinks(more lizards), three pythons and a red tailed boa, and 700 combined gallons of fresh and salt aquarium! All this while getting her MA in nursing, working and dealing with a degenerative joint disease. I know we don't all have her stamina, or perhaps, mania- I sure don't! We all have unexpected changes in life- its just important to not bite off more than you can chew! If you can't look at the next 20-X?? years of your life and say- I will make every attempt to care for this creature no matter what happens, a bird is a very bad idea.

I know we've all got our priorities and we don't know this woman's other life situations- but no one who doesn't realize a bird needs more than a round-barren cage is likely to consider that this same bird is going to live 30 years and needs STABILITY!

I've talked to people who have birds with life expectancy longer than their own, and some of them have gone so far as to ask a younger person to take on the bird when they pass, and letting the two get to know each other. Chris and I have talked about this with regard to the Galah Too in our future... one of the reasons he is unsure is because its possible this bird will outlive us.

Well, not jumping too far ahead- should my situation change and I be blessed with a child, you'd better believe they'll become another member of the flock!

02-10-2010, 09:58 AM
Did any of you post this on Craigslist? I've meant to post something about this guy trying to sell this "bird cage" for a while (it's posted just about every day), but someone beat me to it!


02-10-2010, 11:08 AM
Wasn't me but that cage is only suitable for one thing......landfill! Just the thought of using it to house ANYTHING live is scary! Some people only care about making a buck and I agree with whoever posted the response!

02-10-2010, 11:21 AM
May not be a good cage for birds, but it would be great to house an indoor hornets nest!..........:)

Pips mom
02-10-2010, 12:02 PM
May not be a good cage for birds, but it would be great to house an indoor hornets nest!..........:)

Ohhhhh Micheal! You always come up with the BEST ideas! :rotfl:rofl:

02-10-2010, 06:16 PM
EEK (about both the hornets and the cage) I love the way this guy wrote this add up like it was a "home" he was selling......hard wood floors, open floor plan, lots of storage space...wire mesh shelves inside? That just kills me. All I can Say is WHYYYY? I didn't post it but I wish I had.

Pips mom
02-14-2010, 10:43 AM
Ok, are people really this heartless? I found another add, this lady giving up two amazons, either for re-homing fee or for a cockatoo! So I emailed her and asked.....why are you giving the amazons up? and this is the answer I got.....
i wanted a cockatoo,but couldn't find 1,so settled for these,but i'm just disappointed.
I wonder if she settles for less with other things in life and then just gets tired of them too and ditches them, like jobs, boyfriends....and hey, what happens if you have a kid and you're disappointed with what you get....just trade em in?? What a loser!

02-14-2010, 10:53 AM
One thing I've learned in the bird world. If you want a Cockatoo, get one or you will be disappointed. Just make sure you know what you are getting yourself into! Amazons are not cuddly like Toos! Toos demand constant attention and that's not always an easy thing to provide. It takes a very special person to be owned by a Too. Some people thrive on it, while others feel smothered. Personally, I'll take the Zon every time but that's just me.

We live in a world of "instant gratification" and the uneducated make decisions for the wrong reasons. Too bad the original owner of the Zons didn't screen prospective owners better. Hopefully, when all the dust settles, the Zons will get a better forever loving home.....

You have no idea how happy it makes me when we get a new person who is considering getting or has just recently gotten a new bird comes here to learn!

Pips mom
02-14-2010, 11:45 AM
I know....I actually was nice to this person when emailing them, in the hopes that will at least be more responsible and concerned when it comes to finding these amazons a good forever home. Here is what I wrote!

Yes, you should have! Please keep in mind that spring is approaching quickly and amazons tend to become very hormonal during this time, when normally may be sweet birds, then can get mean, bitey, and territorial during that time. I have a pionus....they are very closely related to amazons, and mine bit me really bad the other day. She is the sweetest, gentlest bird ever in the world, but when hormones kick in, they'll sometimes not be themselves. Also my pionus screams a lot during this time, but then rarely after spring is done.
Were you looking for a more cuddly kind of bird? I hear cockatoos tend to be that way, BUT they are also very needy of attention and also have their bad points....all birds do, so please keep that in mind. Each bird has their own personality....like people and some will not go along with that bird type is "supposed" to be like. It's very stressful for a bird to be moved from home to home....not like with dogs and cats. Birds are prey animals and fear for their lives when huge changes take place, and also bond to their flock very strongly, as this is what keeps them safe in the wild, so when they lose a home and their owners, it's a very sad thing, so please, if you give them up, try to be more responsible about finding them a forever home, then you have been adopting them, and all the best of luck to you on finding them a home where they'll be loved.

02-14-2010, 05:33 PM
The easiest way to deter a cockatoo purchase is to insist the person visit the My Toos discussion board. I've actually saved a few cockatoos this way. In fact, I try to deter most bird ownership at all costs. By the time I share the realities about responsible birdy ownership (lovebirds and budgies included), people often decide a bird may not be the best pet for them:whistle:.

02-14-2010, 05:57 PM
This is one of the more depressing ads I ran across this afternoon :x

02-14-2010, 07:02 PM
My Toos really does lay it out, that's for sure. When dealing with larger parrots, you need to know what you are getting into before you leap, not after!

02-14-2010, 11:54 PM
Oh wow, this person is gonna end up rehoming the 'Too also. "I settled" for two amazons?
Why two? And couldn't find a cockatoo? Aren't those the easiest birds in the world to find? ( and most frequently ditched?) Read between the lines, "I couldn't find a cockatoo in my price range the day I decided I wanted a bird and rather than wait a few months, I bought two birds that I don't give a hoot about." I wish there was a "crappy bird owner registry" so people like this would be banned from ever buying another bird.............