View Full Version : my lil monster strikes again!!!

Pips mom
02-06-2010, 11:31 AM
I have resorted to sticking a big piece of tape to the bottom of the food dishes that I set on top of the cages with the fresh veggies.....then I attach another piece of tape which has a string around it and put the string through the cage bars on top of the cage and tie them. Pip insists now on knocking the food dishes off the cage all of a sudden. Those dishes sat up there fine each day for SOooo long, then all of a sudden he "discovers" this new fun game.....knock the dish of food on the floor game....then mom comes running and you get to watch her clean up the mess! :roll: It's so funny how he's never thought of this before and now that he has, he doesn't forget! Welllll.....I had to rig something up quick today until I can get to work and get what I really want to use from now on.....that strong two sided stuff that's really sticky, I'm going to buy a roll of that and if that works ok, it will easier than tying the dishes each day to the cage bars......Ohhh the things you have to do to outsmart a lovie!!!!

02-06-2010, 12:00 PM

Pip & Odinn: Separated at Birth?

If I didn't know better, I really may think so. They even look alike.

Odinn's out-of-cage food dish is a stainless steel pail that hangs in the middle of his boing. Its too heavy for him to spill it and its fun for him to perch on the swinging thing... I have a chain with other fun things on it that I hang the pail from.

Dumping his food and water dishes off the desk with his play gym are one of his favorite passtimes. He'll work really hard at doing something mischievous and then do a triumphant dance and look up at me with a glint of pride in his eyes and its IMPOSSIBLE to scold him properly when he knows I'm amused.

Pips mom
02-06-2010, 12:57 PM
These dishes I am using are the little dessert plates that come with my set of dishes....they're just small plates, supposedly unbreakable, so far they're withstanding the test! The one thing I'm worried about though is that the cage they're on top of is next to a window....what if one of the plates ever hit the window and broke it! He usually pushes the plates to the front of the cage and knocks them off the front, but last night he knocked one off the back of the cage...near the window! :omg: it just amazes me at how he doesn't forget about this fun game from day to day....they must have pretty good memories!
Hey, I bet Pip and Odinn would get along great! Pip is always looking for new ways like this to have fun!! then once he discovers one....look out, he's determined to do it every day!!

02-06-2010, 12:57 PM
that is exactly why i use the plastic quick lock "bird bath" dishes for their water and their food! lol li'l stinkers

02-06-2010, 02:02 PM
Try getting Pip some plastic balls like the kind you get for cats(without catnip of course)Boo LOVES to knock those off the cage,I think he could do that all day long and be happy lol.

Pips mom
02-06-2010, 10:18 PM
I have those little balls, but I found out long ago that Pip will chew them up and I just don't like the idea of him chewing the plastic. Any plastic toys I make sure are the hard kind plastic that can't be chewed up. I'm sure I could find some other round things that he play with and knock off the cage....thing is whenever he knocks things down, it always scares the other birds....they're all freaked out and there sits Pip all happy and proud of his accomplishment!

02-08-2010, 08:43 AM
I think it's funny about Pip tossing his little plates. The little stinker! :evil:

We use little plates the size of saucers for the birdie smorgasbord in all of our cages. Some of our little stinkers have figured out how to move them all around in their cages and to lift up the edges and let them drop to make a racket. They seem to really love the noise and I've noticed they do it to get our attention. If we had these on top of the cages they would be broken to bits the first time they fell onto the tile floor!

I got some ramekins to use outside of the cages and these are too heavy for the birds to move. They have straight sides and are nicely weighted on the bottom. They make great little dishes for baths or food.

What were you sticking the plates to? I'd worry about Pip being able to get to the tape from inside the cage if you are sticking it right to his cage. Maybe you have something else so that isn't the case... My guess is that you do because you are a smart cookie! ;)

02-08-2010, 10:34 AM
Maybe Pip should make a commercial for your unbreakable dishes LOL!

Pips mom
02-08-2010, 11:14 AM
Maybe Pip should make a commercial for your unbreakable dishes LOL!

Haha! yeah he should! As far as the tape under the dish holding the string, it's on the cockatiel's cage, so nobirdy can get to it....the tiels are well behaved birds and would never even bother. I've never even seen them hanging from the top before.....Boss used to do it, but they're calm birds and just would never to underneath those plates.
yes, my second idea of getting the plate to stay put is that strong sticky stuff, like a two sided tape kinda thing, but it's stronger. I put a piece on the bottom today and it works like a charm! Only thing.....I'll probably have fun trying to get it off the dish at the end of the day!

02-08-2010, 11:53 PM
.....I'll probably have fun trying to get it off the dish at the end of the day!

How'd that work out for you? Or are the plates now permanent fixtures?:)

Pips mom
02-09-2010, 12:30 PM
Actually it wasn't too bad getting it off. Some sticky stuff remains on the bottom of the plates though after I remove it, but just a tiny bit and it will probably come off in the dishwasher!

02-09-2010, 03:48 PM
:2cents: Peanut butter will remove tape residue. Just rub it into the sticky glue on the plate and it will then wash right off.