View Full Version : Will Jack forgive me???

02-07-2010, 06:35 AM
Hi all.

I've had to clip jacks wings again (only a little bit) but he was flying higher and higher and it's too hot to have the fans off right now (100 to 110F) even with the air cons on.

I clipped him a bit, gently coddled him next to my chest and feed him some millet which he did eat, but he was wanting to by the heck out of me. I wore gloves so I wouldn't get startled and drop the poor bugger.

But I want to know, if this isnt' the right way to approach him on wing clipping what should I do? :confused: I want take care and protect him but not at the cause of making him a scare little guy of me!

Any help?


02-07-2010, 07:40 AM
If Jack's safety means limiting how high he can fly then it comes down to a matter of doing what needs to be done. :) When bird meets ceiling fan, the results are not pretty and the bird loses.

It might be easier for you if you had someone either hold Jack while you clip the feathers or you hold and someone else do the clipping. It's not always easy, depending on the bird involved. I can clip some of my larger parrots but I need help with others. With my female macaw, my hands don't stand a chance of doing what I have to do without someone else making sure that I don't bleed profusely before I even get started!!

The one caution I will give you when holding (or anyone else for that matter) is be very careful NOT to restrain the chest area. A bird's chest needs to be able to expand and contract in order to breathe.

02-07-2010, 07:40 AM
The gloves probably didn't help. Bird can feel trapped when cuddled too. I would try to pick him up and put him on your shoulder. Talk to him, roll toothpicks between your lips. My birds always found toothpicks intriguing and it never took too long before they stole it to break them into pieces. Talk to him gently and millet is always a good thing :) It takes time and patience but you will get there :)

02-07-2010, 10:35 AM
This video is more or less how I clip Kiwi. He's not calm as the parrot is, but it does work. Though it is easier if you have someone to help you. Just be patient, talk to him and reward him when he cooperates with lots of baby talk and kissing and petting.

I don't like the towel idea, it seems to freak birds out more than subdue them.


02-07-2010, 11:01 AM
I try not to clip, but when it becomes an issue of safety, sometimes it must be done. I also clip birds when they are new here and still being trained in part for their safety and in part for mine- I am physically unable to climb around to get them from high places...

and as such, have clipped many a wing.

Sometimes, the offended fid will give me the stink eye for a day or two, sometimes longer when they haven't been here long- as that just adds to the stress of a new home and new people (I usually ask the breeder to do a light clip before a new bird comes home*, so as to avoid this situation). They have always come around, though. Most often, I've had the opposite effect, a clipped bird will suddenly become very much interested in me, and it goes far beyond them just being with me because they can't get around otherwise- none of my birds are so clipped that they can't fly from one surface to another, and they tend to even beg to come out and play more when they're clipped.

*its important to always wait until a bird is fully fledged before giving them their first clip.