View Full Version : Jack & Gremaldo

02-07-2010, 10:38 PM
Ok, guys...

Not sure what else to do at this point.

Jack has been "grounded" in the tiny cage way too long. I can't do it to her any more. It worked for several months with the egg laying, but she's started again. I thought Jack & Gremaldo would've paired up by now, but NOPE.

They do seem to like each other when their cages are pushed up next to each other. They sit really close. However- when they are out, Jack will pay no attention to Gremaldo because she's frantically obsessed with finding things to shred.

I've had it. They need to figure out how to get along. Not only did I not want another cage to clean, but it's not fair to any lovie to be in an 18 x 18 inch cage for this long. Also- the paper obsession, along with the small cage has made Jack want to chew the feathers on her shoulder.

Yes- I admit it- I wanted to help Gremaldo, but there were a few folks on here who warned me that they might not hit it off. I realize it's all my fault. Gremaldo can't go home now, because Greg is thinking about re-homing his birds because my mother-in-law, who needs constant attention, is living with him now. He feels he's not giving the birds any attention.

So- here's what I did today...

Jack is in Gremaldo's cage with him. She's been there for about 6 1/2 hours, and so far, no problems. They certainly aren't cuddly, but no fighting, either.

I'll put her back in her cage tonight and while I'm at work tomorrow, and do it in the evenings until I feel safe leaving them unattended.

Jack seems to like the toys in there, and Gremaldo lets her play with whatever she wants. I've given her her own food and water, and she sure knows they're hers. Jack is WAY bigger than Gremaldo, even though he's the big brother from the same parents.

Grrr! Boy- I sure have a birdy soap opera going on in my house. Issues with Nokomis, too. But that's another episode :whistle:

02-07-2010, 10:49 PM
Hi Jeni,
As long as Jack and Gremaldo are at least co-habitating peacefully, it sounds like the plan is working. I would do the same thing that you plan on doing. Leave them together while you can supervise and separate when you can't. You can't force them to accept each other if they don't want to but it sounds like you are going to have to come up with a game plan that involves Gremaldo, as he can't go "home" now.

Pips mom
02-07-2010, 11:24 PM
Lovies ALLways love other birdie's cages, don't they? somebirdy else's food and toys are always better! If Gremaldo lets her in his cage ok and lets her play with his toys, I'd say that's a pretty good sign. What a nice boy Gremaldo is! Pip would never be that nice! he'd be following her around and shoving her out the way, just like he tries to with Ivy when she plays with a toy!

02-07-2010, 11:35 PM
LOL- Gremaldo is the nice one. He knows what other birds are. He would like nothing more than to be close to Jack. You wouldn't believe how much facial expression he has when he looks so sad that Jack doesn't like him.

Jack was taken from the sights and sounds of other lovebirds when her eyes were barely open, and she was already 10 months old when she saw my gcc for the first time.

She does not like any other birds. It seems I'm her mate, and that's all she needs.

02-08-2010, 12:18 AM
I don't know that you can really say that Jack doesn't like Gremaldo. She just likes you more and that may change now that you've put her into his cage. Time will tell. :)

02-13-2010, 01:41 PM
Hey Linda,
This may be a stupid question, since I'm doing everything I can to STOP my chronic layer....

But- since she's going to lay anyway, do you think Jack would accept Gremaldo being close to her and in his cage better if I just gave in and give her a nest box? Obviously, I wouldn't allow babies.

I was just thinking, maybe she'll realize he can be an asset to her instead of an enemy.

She's never had a box, so I don't even know if she'll even figure that part out, but I'm at my wits end. She isn't actively fighting with him, as in chasing him, but if he tries to get too close, she'll still lunge at him.

I'm still removing her at night and while I'm at work.

Ugh- drama, drama...

02-13-2010, 05:34 PM
Hi Jeni,
Hard to say how Jack would view an actual nest box. She might take right to it and not let Gremaldo anywhere near it! I've had males banned to staying outside the box, no exceptions! She might allow him to mate with her, if that's what she wants but she could keep him at wings distance while she sits on her eggs in the box!

I understand what you are saying and it's worth a shot if you want to give it a go........

02-14-2010, 05:26 PM
Hey Jeni. I'm glad you are giving Jack and Gremaldo some more time. I hope all works out! I just wanted to caution against putting a nestbox in the cage since you are saying Jack is a chronic egg layer. Nextboxes and dark hidey places perpetuate egg laying and nesty behavior.

Have you talked to Dr. Litner about lupron shots or Jack?

02-14-2010, 07:00 PM
Thanks, Laura :)

I was just thinking that since she's laying anyway, maybe if I let her have a real clutch (fake) she'd give it a rest.

As it is now, she lays and immediately destroys each egg. I'm wondering if maybe a real nest might make a difference.

02-17-2010, 11:01 AM
Another question, Linda... :)

So far, Jack is still not actively fighting with Gremaldo, but will still lunge at him if he gets too close.

I am still removing her at night and while at work.

Do they have to be close and cuddly in order for me to feel safe leaving them alone?

I don't really think anything would happen, but at the same time, I don't want to take any chances with Gremaldo's safety.

I can't imagine coming home to find him injured or worse.

02-17-2010, 11:48 AM
Do they have to be close and cuddly in order for me to feel safe leaving them alone?
Uncertainty can lead to surprises and I, personally, prefer not to go there! She's protecting her space and exactly what she considers to be hers could change. I'd continue to separate when you aren't there for a while longer.

02-17-2010, 02:08 PM
Will do.

I just wish she wasn't so unsocial. My fault for taking her so young and not having her know what it's like to be a bird.

02-17-2010, 03:28 PM
What is the age difference between Jack and Gremaldo? I know you said they are from the same parents, but are they also from the same clutch?

If Gremaldo is younger it may take longer for Jack to accept him until he is more mature. My guess is that Jack will eventually decide that Gremaldo is A-OK, but it may take a couple months.

I think a couple of my forced pairings took longer than normal because the mate one of them really wanted was calling from across the room, but they still worked out OK with no injuries.

With no other bird options available I think Jack will mellow out and fall for Gremaldo, so I'm betting on a love match between the two of them. It may take a few more months, or Jack could change overnight.

02-17-2010, 04:10 PM
They've been sitting with their cages touching since Aug.

I've been putting Jack in Gremaldo's cage for a week or two.

They've been flying around at the same time since Aug., but Jack won't have anything to do with Gremaldo.

Jack turned 3 in Dec., and Gremaldo is several months older than she. He's had a mate (and babies).

I'm gonna keep trying :)