View Full Version : Ok, this is how it happened...

02-09-2010, 02:38 PM
I made an innocent buying trip for yet more toys for my sweet little destructo maniac (it's like going baby shopping for me) anyway, while at the pet store I was watching a particulary lovely sun conure play and suddenly realized I was being groomed by a rather plain looking green bird who was hanging upside from a "tree" to reach my hair. I laughed, she laughed back.................and some how she mysteriously got into my car along with a cage so large I had to tie down the hatch on my suv even with the seats laid down, many bright new toys for both birds, feed treats etc............still not sure how it happend. Anyway, she is an as yet unamed blue crowned conure. I know there are conure folks on the board here as well. Vet says we are in good shape health wise. Her attitude is fabulous. A little tentative right now bt very affectionate. Question for you guys is after quarantine is over, is there a special way after placing cages near one another to introduce she and Cabo. They are aware of one another and talk frequently across the house (oww my ears) Cabo of course wants to see the new birdie but obviously there is a lot of size difference here. She is older than my lil Lovie and if they never get out together, that's cool too. I have introduced birds before but never with this size difference. I am having a lot of fun dividing time between the two. My hands are raw from washing them. I have a lot of time to get advice, we are on day one of quaratine........................

02-09-2010, 03:08 PM
Yay for you following a strict quarantine! :)

Conrats on your new baby. Do we have a name? Pics?

Yep- conures are awesome!

02-09-2010, 03:44 PM
This is pretty funny! It's amazing how the bird got in your car and managed the cage too! It must be a very talented and strong bird!


02-09-2010, 06:46 PM
Just amazing creatures these birds! Their strength and cunning....must have pick-pocketed me to get the car unlocked too.........:whistle:

But yes absolutely strict quarantine. I am an ICU nurse by trade so I have a phobia about cross contamination. They are both being reasonable birds about it right now but I know that could change. They are actually from the same place (I have to travel pretty far for birdie things and as pet stores go I do like this place they try very hard to do things right) and so they used to live across from one another and I swear they remember this.

The kids are leaning toward the name Sky and I usually let them name the animals. Though it seems a little generic for a bird with a blue head. :confused: I'll get pics up soon. I have a great one of a dripping Lovie to post too.:rotfl

02-09-2010, 07:24 PM
Haha, congrats on the new addition!

I haven't had any interspecies love in my particular flock, but some others on this board have.

My mother has a very wild and harsh-beaked lovebird female who is bonded with a very gentle handfed male quaker- part of the reason we decided NOT to house Artie here for the time being. We've had other species become friends before in the past.

Look at Jim's Peaches and Sophie! Talk about size difference!

The fact that they already knew one another may help, too.

02-09-2010, 09:11 PM
Ohhh......:roll:.......So thats how it happened. ...... We totally understand. ..... You know, i'm pretty sure Dave (The tax man) has a special assignment awaiting just for someone like you. .....FIDNAPPER!........:rolleyes:

Pips mom
02-09-2010, 09:35 PM
Haha....that's one sneaky little bird you got there! When I got Ivy, (who also has a blue head!) Pip fell totally in love with her! and they are best buddies! Here's hoping the same luck to you and your flock! Congrats on the new addition!

02-09-2010, 09:51 PM
Ohhh......:roll:.......So thats how it happened. ...... We totally understand. ..... You know, i'm pretty sure Dave (The tax man) has a special assignment awaiting just for someone like you. .....FIDNAPPER!........:rolleyes:

:rofl::rotfl:rofl: hehe. I finally put some pics of Cabo in the pic thread. But here is one of new baby just cuz..... and Cabo's wet baby picture. Why is it mom's always show pics of there kids in the bath?



02-09-2010, 10:18 PM
Ooooh! That new fellow is a looker! He has really stunning eyes. I love parrot eyes.

02-09-2010, 10:29 PM
Why thank you :) Really a very sweet lil thing. Starting to come out of her shell more and more. One good thing about my guys being store birds is that noise and activity really don't bother them. My original two dogs are both protection trained so they bark. I sort of yell "OUT!" to turn them off. She started mimicking that already everytime they bark, and Cabo is doing it too now from mimicking her I think. They barked when I came home from the grocery store today and I could here her from outside telling them OUT! The obvious down side to this is my sweet singing lovey now squawks like a conure. Oh Joy!

02-09-2010, 10:46 PM
So the new Conure is female? If you're going for a "planet colored" name and want something more unusual than Sky (my family raised a stallion named Sky when I was a kid, so I'm somewhat partial to that name... but) you could go with "Gaia" or some other Earthy name. She's gorgeous.

My mother's quaker, Artie, talks like a lovebird. His human speech sounds like other quakers if not a little more high pitched, but his bird calls are lovebird chirps. Its just he and five lovebirds there, and his best friend is a lovebird. Its funny how these things happen.

02-09-2010, 11:28 PM
Honestly, gender is up in the air until I get DNA done. I just hate to add insult to injury unless I am going to breed. With conures there is a much greater chance that she is a he but since Cabo's a he, she gets to be a she. ;) I just hope Cabo looses his fixation with the cat now that there is a birdie...............

What kind of horses did you raise?

02-10-2010, 08:29 AM
I totally understand about your lovie copying the speech of the conure.

Years ago I had zebra finches and then got a cockatiel from someone at work who needed to rehome it. On the day we brought the cockatiel home we all went out for dinner. By the time we returned the cockatiel was already speaking zebra finch!

Your conure is absolutely gorgeous! I love those colors--it's very regal looking. What a stunner! I can see why it isn't still in the pet store. :whistle:

02-10-2010, 04:37 PM
Very pretty!.....Glad you shared them.......:)

02-10-2010, 04:56 PM
Ohhh......:roll:.......So thats how it happened. ...... We totally understand. ..... You know, i'm pretty sure Dave (The tax man) has a special assignment awaiting just for someone like you. .....FIDNAPPER!........:rolleyes:

:whistle::whistle::whistle::whistle::whistle::whis tle::whistle:

Now would I do that? :whistle:

Good thing I'm snowed in at the moment 'cause that's one good lookin' parrot!:happy:

02-10-2010, 08:38 PM
:whistle::whistle::whistle::whistle::whistle::whis tle::whistle:

Now would I do that? :whistle:

Good thing I'm snowed in at the moment 'cause that's one good lookin' parrot!:happy:

*runs and hides from the taxman*

hehehe ROFLMAO at your sig! Isn't that just the truth?!:rotfl