View Full Version : He loves to chew on paper.. is this normal

02-11-2010, 02:57 PM
My lovey loves to chew the paper (white paper towel type) thats on the buttom of the cage. Everytime I am not around and he cant see me he loves to go down and chew on paper.. Then when i came near him he goes right back up to his perch... Is it normal for them to love to chew on paper

02-11-2010, 03:02 PM
Absolutely! they see the paper as nesting material. You may notice your lovebird stuffing it's rump with paper and piling it up in a corner ina makeshift nest if they don't have a nest box.

My best advise to you if you let your lovebird loose is hide them important papers and books. All my books at home carry the signature of one bird or the other :)

02-11-2010, 03:06 PM
He is always chewing the sides the corners of the paper its so funny he goes up on his perch then goes down and chews and then goes back up im watching him right now. Does he need a nesting spot.. he is a male after all and doesnt have a companion hes the only one in the cage. i had a little tent type for him soft thing and he never went in there. Should I buy him any things to entertain.. He has chewing things in the c age.. and toys but he really doesnt play with them.. he walks around his perches and goes upside down and walks around. I really never see him play with his toys

02-11-2010, 07:43 PM
sometimes it can take them awhile to get interested in their toys... i find that sunny, who i'm almost positive is boy-but acted very like a hen when i first brought her home, likes little strips of paper to chew up the best. I also will wrap or hide treats in the paper, so not only does she get to chew the paper, she gets to find/forage for food too.

02-15-2010, 07:56 AM
I would say you He is a She... (esp if you don't have any other birds)

Elmo was exactly same. I thought it was super cute until she laid an egg. Given, when Spotty was with us, he copied from Elmo how fun chewing paper could be. But if your lovie has not been shown by another bird, I would say its a she..

02-16-2010, 10:27 PM
That sounds similar to my lovie Frodo. She will shred any type of paper she can get her beak on...perhaps you do have a little girl lovie? The downside to Frodo's shredding is that I work in a library...not exactly a good thing to take chewed books back to work...

02-17-2010, 07:30 AM
The downside to Frodo's shredding is that I work in a library...not exactly a good thing to take chewed books back to work...


Frodo is my hero. If only you were my librarian... we could just sneak our chewed books back. :nyah: Elmo has the state for my uni text books.. :cry:

02-17-2010, 04:46 PM
My lovies are all super chewers, I actually hung some paper strips from a ring in their cage, they think that is just awesome :)