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02-14-2010, 02:32 PM
Johari will be 8 months old on Tuesday. Eight months. A BABY. But she has fallen in love with her bell. She has been making come hither noises to it for the past week. Yesterday she was sitting under it, head down & tail spread, crooning to it....till she fell off the play gym! And this morning she has started gacking! Guess she is a lovebird, after all. I've been thinking she actually has multipe personality disorder. Her personas include pincher bug, termite, flirt, mocking bird (does all of Gussie's noises/words & now sings like the canary. Buddy peeped like the canary but Johara actually has a short trill!), land shark, and Stare Down Queen. She sits on my chest, very close to my face, facing me, and STARES at me, for minutes at a time. She still hates hands most of the time but at unpredictable moments I can hold her & give her scritches. Only to get the landshark treatment the next time I try. She is the stangest little bird I've ever had.

(I haven't posted much lately...real life is in a "demanding" phase...but I still zip through now and then. But the flock is fine & I'm still about :) )

02-14-2010, 04:04 PM
Hi Bubblelady!I miss having you around and hearing stories about your fids so I am glad you got to stop in for a quick hello.Got any new pics of Johari I always love to see her =)

02-15-2010, 02:41 PM
I was just about to send you an e-mail to see how your flock is doing! I'm glad you are back, I've missed you. I know how life can get too demanding sometimes.

I am glad to hear Johari is doing well. I absolutely love that name. If it is OK with you, I would love to use it for a character's name in my sci fi/fantasy novel....

My Benny is also a bird we think has dissociative identity disorder, and he is older and set in his ways... Johari, perhaps, is still finding herself, figuring out who she wants to be.

Its so funny how birds pick up each other's calls. My mother's quaker, Artie, talks like a lovebird. It is just him and five lovebirds, and it has been that way since he was 10 weeks old. My Kokoro is his brother, and when they saw each other again at Christmas time, I think Koko was a bit baffled by Artie's calls!

Glad to hear from you!

02-16-2010, 12:59 PM
oh my gosh Ive been gone too long, Johari grew up so fast!! Im glad to hear he is doing well as are you.

02-16-2010, 01:07 PM
Hi Maureen and I'm glad to hear that everything's OK; you're just busy! I can relate to that!!

As for Johari, all I can say is that he/she is a lovebird and I would expect nothing less!!! :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl

02-16-2010, 03:00 PM
hi bubblelady! so glad you could come update us on johari... i still have that li'l cowgirl swagger in my head when i think of her. glad to hear that she's doing well... even if she's got the multiple personalities.... lol!

can't wait for more pics & updates!

Pips mom
02-16-2010, 03:04 PM
It's so good to hear your flock is doing well! We miss your posts, so get back here soon, ok? As for Johari, she sure sounds like a little character! I'm so glad that she's doing so well and keeping you in smiles and on your toes!! :rotfl

02-16-2010, 04:20 PM
It's nice to hear from you and to know that your birds are doing great. It's so nice that Johari is multi-lingual!

I think updated photos of this little sweetie are due too!


Welcome back!