View Full Version : Pahkee Problems (possible bugs)

02-18-2010, 05:29 PM
Has anyone ever noticed very tiny white bugs on their lovebirds? I noticed only one and saw it run back into his feathers. He has been doing very well taking baths and takes atleast one or two a week. The room he is in is very clean as well so i'm not sure how any bugs could be introduced to him.

As of lately pahkee seems to have some what of an attitude problem he tries to bite and they seem slightly more forceful than nipping. He hasn't ever tried to hurt me and when he gets out of his cage the biting lessens. My theory is that he became spoiled with treats and w/e food he wants. Is it a good idea to not let him have a bowl of food in his cage and reserve feeding for outside of his cage. I have left my room and left my webcam on him to observe his behaviour and he gorges himself non-stop while we are not there and i'm worried about him over eating.

Thanks, Tahia and Rob

02-18-2010, 07:43 PM
Little white bugs sound like lice. It's possible he has lice and your avian vet would have the quickest cure for them. The birdie defenders you can buy in pet shops are actually dangerous so I would let your vet check Pahkee out.

Birds should have food available 24/7, as they will graze on and off all the time. Their crops only hold just so much food so they will not overeat. If Pahkee is very active, he needs the food he's eating. Have you tried weighing him?

Lovebirds tend to be cage territorial and will defend their homes against invaders (evil human hands)! Sometimes the best thing to do is leave the cage door open so your lovie can come out and then offer your hand for him to step up.

02-18-2010, 09:33 PM
Yeah you will need a vet visit. I've never seen anything like that on my birds. Linda, is it hard to get rid of bird lice?

02-18-2010, 10:08 PM
No, it's very easy to get rid of lice if you let your avian vet do the treatment. Medication of choice is Ivemectin and it's applied to the back of the neck. I've seen lice on finches but I've never seen them on lovebirds, although it's not unheard of. I've just never had the problem myself. I know others who have.

02-18-2010, 11:55 PM
how visible are the lice? i've never seen them before.... does a lovie act any differently when they have lice? more itching? twitchy? or tired & sad because of blood loss?

02-19-2010, 12:22 PM
Can you not get ivermectin over the counter? We have spot-on treatments here which most pet stores sell....1 drop on the neck like Linda said. I do my indoor birds twice a year.