View Full Version : Needing help

02-19-2010, 10:18 AM
Hello to everybody.I have some questions about my lovebirds behaviour.

I have a black masked lovebird and a lilian's lovebird.I put them in the same cage and they are continuously fighting and one of them was injured in his beak.Does it mean that they are both male or female?Is there a posibility to be a "couple"?Should i put them together or separately?What should I do?

02-19-2010, 10:57 AM
Hi and welcome to Lovebirds Plus Community!

Do you have a photo of the beak injury that you can share with us? Beak injuries can be very serious. Some can even be fatal if they become infected. Your lovebird really should be seen by an avian vet for treatment.

Basically, you've put together 2 different species of lovebird that should not be housed together. You have a Masked (Personata) and Nyasa (Lilianae) and each should be housed with a lovebird of the same species.

With the kind of fighting that you are describing, the next thing to happen will be the dominant bird killing the less dominant one. Lovebird are very capable of inflicting fatal injuries to each other and it's not a pretty sight when it happens. If I had to take an uneducated guess, I would say you most likely have 2 hens.

02-19-2010, 11:34 AM
Thank you for your reply.I don't have a picture of the beak right now but I am going to sent you one the next day. Thank you for your time.

02-19-2010, 12:15 PM
Your lilianae is likely to end up dead if they don't get along. They are quite considerably smaller and less aggressive than personatus, who are in general are pretty damm evil!

They could be either sex, photo's would help, but I'd definately keep them caged seperately for the moment. Some of my birds have realy hurt each other in random fights, and I know of many personatus who have killed other birds like it's going out of fashion!