View Full Version : Joy Circles

02-20-2010, 11:28 AM
I'm feeling a little bit sad right now because Frodo has had to go stay with my mum for the weekend since we're going away for a couple of days...the apartment feels so empty without a loud little lovie in it. However, one thing has made me smile. Frodo loves my mum and when she arrived at 'grandma's' house immediately starting running in little 'joy circles', something she usually only does when she sees me first thing in the morning or after work. The 'joy circle' consists of much happy chirping, fluffy-ness, clanging of toys and running in crazy circles, ending with a demand to be let out of the cage. It made me so happy to see Frodo so pleased, and it's adorable to watch.

02-20-2010, 11:43 AM
I love it!

My Odinn does that, too. He runs in circles around the floor of his cage, ducking under things and avoiding obstacles... and then hops onto the side of his cage, and does backflips! It never fails to inspire a big smile, no matter how often I see it.

There's nothing quite so pleasing as the sight of a truly happy fid!

Pips mom
02-20-2010, 12:24 PM
Rudy stands all tall and flaps and flaps and chirps really loud when he's happy and excited! It's his little happy dance! Pip has never done this kind of thing, he never gets overly excited like that. Pip's always had a good life though and a good caring home, where Rudy may have had alot more to be happy and excited about when he came here since he spent his days always stuck in a small cage and rarely, if at all, allowed out in his previous home.

02-22-2010, 08:52 AM
It's so great that Frodo likes your mum! Then you can feel good when you have to leave him there. It sounds like he puts on quite a show when he's happy. :)

02-23-2010, 11:16 AM
There's nothing quite so pleasing as the sight of a truly happy fid!

Indeed! Although I am still missing mine...she might be returned today, or possibly tomorrow. I've phoned a couple of times to check up on her and can hear enthusiastic screeching and bell-ringing in the background. It certainly sounds like she's having fun :)