View Full Version : Fantastic new play pen!

08-28-2005, 08:21 PM
I just bought to do a Bird Activity Center from Petsmart. It is totally bird safe and is for Budgies and for Lovies. Martha enjoys it. She is still a little scared of the swing and the latter because she has never had one of those before lol. But I know she enjoys it. Love to all lovies and give them all kisses!
Martha and Taylor

08-28-2005, 08:53 PM
I will have to check that out myself. TY for the recomendation.


08-29-2005, 05:14 PM
Oh your welcome Steph, Martha likes it. It says to help prevent boredom. lol It's fun for your birds.

08-29-2005, 11:46 PM
I'm sure they'll get used to the swing very fast. I bought a swing for Blu about two months ago and I have never seen her on it. At the beggining she was completely terrorised at the sight of it.
Last night I was considering removing it from the cage. If she doesn't play on it I can find something else that she can play with.
She must have read my mind. Today, every time I would look at her she was on her swing, climbing it, chew it and hanging upside down from it. I guess I won't be removing it anytime soon :D

Now, if only I can get her used to the vegetable parchemin tube that I got her. The poor thing is not very brave :eek:

08-30-2005, 12:00 AM
lol. :) Finally she got onto the latter and steped enough to get onto the top! Success! She is still freaked out about it but likes the very top of the play pen.
Taylor & Martha

08-30-2005, 12:09 AM
My budgie really, really loves his swing. My lovebird pair really love theirs, as well. My other budgie is still a little freaked out by it, but he's getting better.

Congrats on the play pen. :cool:

08-30-2005, 01:07 PM
Yeah. I had a budgie Brandy who LOVED her swing. She would play on it for hours and never get bored. :p. But she passed away a couple of Christmases ago.

09-02-2005, 09:21 AM
Playing outside the cage is so much fun for them.....I made a wood play gym for my birds years ago and it's not pretty(scraps)...my lovies like playing on a tiny cage more (that little black/gold cage that runs 14. 95 at the pet stores) I made a hook out of wire to hold the door open at the top, put a swing and toys inside, ladders etc.....they play all over it, inside it.....I found another one for 2.50 at a junk store a couple of days ago and I love those perches that are plastic that hook onto the side of the cage.