View Full Version : Painting

02-22-2010, 05:31 PM
I may have found a new place to move to,the landlord wants to paint and I was wondering how long it takes regular paint such as latex to finish off gasing?This place should be ready mid March and I don't have to move from my current location till April first,would the off gasing be done by then?

Pips mom
02-22-2010, 10:12 PM
It's hard to say.....I think it may depend on what kind of paint is used. If the paint doesn't have a really strong odor to it.....some paints smell more than others, I think I'd give it a week if I could, and maybe ask if they can try to air it out for a day and maybe open some windows for a bit and put a fan or two in them. I know if it's me, and if I walked into the place and could smell the paint at all, I'd be freaking out over bringing the birds in there. I think as long as you can air it out some for a day or two, that would probably help.

02-22-2010, 10:18 PM
I know there are bird safe paints out there,will they stack over a latex paint?I wonder if I offer to cover the added cost of the good bird safe paint if he would use that instead.Is the bird safe paint easy to clean?That's the only thing I might have problems with is if it's not easy to clean like a latex.

Pips mom
02-22-2010, 10:51 PM
I don't really know how it is to clean walls painted with low or no VOC paint, as I've never painted with it before. My friend here, the Dutchess of Salisbury has used the no VOC paint.....she would know....Hey Dutchess...you out there??

02-23-2010, 09:04 AM
If you do a search on "latex paint" there are previous threads on this subject.

The bottom line is that latex paint is OK if the birds are removed from the area while the painting is being done. Then, after the paint has dried and the area has been well aired out, it would be safe to bring the birds back.

If you are able to put the birds into a closed room, seal off the furnace vents (if you have them), and seal the space at the bottom of the door you should be OK.

If it was warm enough outside I would even open the windows in the room with the birds for fresh air--but probably not in Alaska where you live.

02-23-2010, 12:01 PM
Well if we go with this place it should be painted at least a week prior to our move in date so sounds like it would be ok.I'm still going to go compare prices of paints and see how much more it might be to go with the no VOC paints and see if I can pay him the difference.