View Full Version : Don't get me wrong

08-28-2005, 10:08 PM
I love our Meyer's Cookie but he is one very high maintenance birdy and a little too smart for his own good.

I made a couple of loafs of banana bread today and gave him a little tiny piece (it's not good for him). You should have seen him. He looovvved it so much he held that tiny piece so careful with his foot as not to waste a crumb. That piece wasn't good enough so after he watched me wrap the rest up in individual pieces, he snuck over to the counter where it all was and chomped on one of the pieces. I walked over and he had the guiltiest look on his face :cool:

He's in love with himself and gets REAAALLY hormonal in front of any mirror and he knows where every D**mn mirror in the house is. I've had to take away all the lovebird mirrors, keep every bathroom door closed, and even had to change out his stainless steal dish because he kept dunking his head in the water to get closer to himself. Of course, this was after we had to pack away the stainless waffle maker he found first :x.

He loves to chew on our house. He especially loves the cabinets, we got him stuff to chew but he gets bored with it and after chewing on the cabinets, he heads to the big plastic box that is a smoke detector and starts crunching on that :eek:

NOPE! He's not fond of lovebirds. They scatter when he flies to the playgym. I don't blame them because he acts all casual and then all of a sudden, he pounces and is lookin' to rip into some birdy butt :omg:

And this is just part of a day in the life of a Cookabura and I wouldn't trade him for nothin' 8o

08-29-2005, 09:18 AM
Laura, while he does sound like a very, very active birdie, he also sounds like SO MUCH FUN! :D And SMART!!!! I've read that parrots have the brain of a 2 year old human. I think that number is way low......some of them are surely as smart as a 6 to 8 year old. Cookie's got to be one of the smarter ones! I love banana bread.....TOO! :D

08-29-2005, 11:44 AM

Sorry Laura, but he sounds like tons of fun :lol

I do think the cabinet chewing might upset me a bit though, those aren't cheap :(

08-29-2005, 12:36 PM
Hi Laura,
Alex (BFA) will climb onto my kitchen counter and help herself to anything she thinks might be edible!!! :rofl: This morning, she thought the soup I left momentarily in an open container was fair game! Question. What's in the banana bread that isn't good for Cookie? I've learned that if I don't want Alex sampling then I shouldn't leave food where she can get into it. Never mind what happens if I leave homemade cornbread on my counter to cool shortly after I take it out of the oven........ She seems to sense when it's cool enough for her to have a little bit of it if I don't offer first! :lol

I think the mirror thing is more that he loves the reflection which he thinks is another birdie just like himself. I don't know that parrots realize that the reflection is just that, a reflection. Alex is interested in the "Zon in the mirror" when I have her in my bathroom but she doesn't seem have any sexual interest in it.

Parrots view just about anything as something that they can chew. This is second nature to them, as they do it freely in the wild. I've had to get very clever with my 5 or they, too, would destroy the house. Heck, why chew on a small toy when there's a bigger something elsewhere in the room that looks a lot more inviting!!

But ya know something? Dao, Geogia and Ginger have been with me since 1991 and they ain't going anywhere anytime soon!!!

08-29-2005, 02:14 PM
For your cabinet chewer: http://www.estarbird.com/BrainiacBlock.html

Highly recommended. I love the Get a Grip "cargo net" too...a bit pricey, but one like it can be made sooooooo easily for much less.

08-29-2005, 10:56 PM
I wouldn't mind some banana bread. You got any left? That I don't have to fight the bird for???

08-30-2005, 12:07 PM
YEP! The banana bread did turn out good especially since the bananas are from our tree outback and they are apple bananas, which are a lot sweeter and more tasty than store bought.......I don't like Cookie, or any of my birds, having white sugar. I'm thinking of making a more healthy version that will be more Cookie friendly.

He is LOADS of fun and just wanted to share that he started making this high shrill noise when he's in his cage. I couldn't figure out where he heard the noise and then yesterday I had an aha moment and realized he's imitating the mynah birds that fill the neighborhood :x . I'm sure glad he's not a talker, who knows the strange things he'd pick up :D

08-30-2005, 12:36 PM
Harley is my talker and you can believe I have to be careful what comes out of my mouth! It's those things you want him to learn that he doesn't like and those you don't think he heard you say that he repeats the quickest..... :rofl: